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"We're going to the beach!!" yelled Kris.

"Hyung .. We already brought her to the beach..." said Suho

" we're going ... I have no idea" said Kris "I only thought of the beach.. sorry _____.... WAIT! What do you feel about the galaxy?"

"Uh.. What?"

"Ignore him _____" said Xiumin.

"Ah ok hehe!"I said. "How about we just hang around today?"

"YEAH! We never get days to just stay home and hang" whined Sehun.

Then Sehun started giving everyone puppy dog looks.

"What is he doing?" I asked.

"That's his 'I want bubble tea. Please get me some' look" explained Chen.

"Ahh ok. Let's go get some then oppa!"

"Yes!!" yelled Sehun as he ran towards the door.

"You guys just hang around. We'll get bubble tea for everyone"

"Okay! Have fun!" yelled everyone.

We walked out and Sehun led towards his favorite bubble tea store.

"Okay.. so the walk will take about 5min." said Sehun. "So let's talk ____"

"Uh okay oppa."

"What's it like living with us?" asked Sehun.

"It's really loud and...loud, but it's fun and joyful!"

"YEHET!" yelled Sehun.
"Have you remembered anything the past weeks?"

"Not really, but sometimes I'll feel strange attractions to items or places, and I don't know if it's my brain remembering.."

"You'll remember soon enough so don't worry" reassured Sehun.

"Thanks oppa"

"OKAY so I mean you're living with 9 boys who are *AHEM* very good looking" said Sehun as he flipped his hair, " Do you have any specific feelings *COUGH* to anyone?"

"WHAT OPPA STOP!" I said as I playfully pushed him.

"So do you??" he asked.

"I don't know.. I've had my mind so on trying to remember, but now that you mention it..."

"WHAT WHO?!" asked Sehun.


"WHAT WHYY?!?" whined Sehun

"Oh look the bubble tea shop!" I said as I tried to change the subject.

"You're lucky that the store is so close." said Sehun as he narrowed his eyes.

"Okay let's order!"

We ordered 10 bubble teas for to go and headed home when we got our order.

"Okay so you still have to tell me who the special guy is _____!" whined Sehun


Right at that moment the image of Kai and D.O. flashed in my head.

"Are they the two special guys?" I thought.. "Huh.. I guess I developed feeling without even knowing..."

"What are you thinking about so seriously?" asked Sehun suspiciously.

"Oh nothing hehe" I said as I relaxed my face.

We continued on home while making small talk.

"WE'RE HOME!" yelled Sehun as he rushed into the house.

"Yay bubble tea!" said Chen as he rushed towards Sehun who was holding 5 of the bubble tea.

When Chen rushed towards Sehun he passed him with lightning speed, rushed upstairs and locked himself in his room.

"What? Wasn't that our bubble tea?" said Chen

"Uh yeah.. I'll go get him and the bubble tea hehe."

Here." I said as I handed Chen the bubble tea I had. "I'll get the rest."

I went upstairs and knocked on Sehun and Kai's room.

"Oppa? Are you in there?"

"Maybe.." answered Sehun.

"You know..if you come out with the bubble tea, I might tell you who the special guy is.."

"Really?!" said Sehun as he opened the door with the bubble teas in his hand.

"JUST KIDDING!" I said as I grabbed the bubble tea holder and rushed downstairs.

"YEAH" cheered the guys as I brought the rest of the bubble teas down.

"Ahh that maknae of yours is a handful. Sometimes I wonder if he really is older than me.."

"Yeah we wonder that too hehe" said Suho.

"YAH YOU PROMISED ME!!" yelled Sehun as he ran downstairs.

"Promised what?" asked Kris.

"NOTHING!" I yelled as I shoved a bubble tea straw in Sehun's mouth.

They started to give me weird looks and I completely ignored them.. well tried to.

So after about 5 min of a awkward silence I ran upstairs.

"Ugh Oh Sehun..whyyy" I said as I plopped onto my bed.

Back downstairs Kris eyes the other members strangely.

" she okay?" asked Kris

"Yeah she does that when she gets annoyed with us hehe" said Chen

"So what was ____ suppose to tell you?" asked Kai.

"Oh...uh... THIS IS REALLY GOOD BUBBLE TEA!" yelled Sehun.

Kai glanced at everyone and nodded.

"YAHHHH!" all the guys yelled as they tried to jump on top of Sehun.

"NO! NOT THE BUBBLE TEA!" yelled Sehun.

The guys had piled on top of Sehun as he tried to save his drink. Kai, seeing a opening, took the cup from Sehun's hand.

"Okay if you don't tell us I'm going to drink all of it!" threatened Kai.

"Please.. I promised her..." said Sehun in his baby voice.

"Ugh fine.." I said as I gave back Sehun's bubble tea.

"Thanks. Besides I wasn't even suppose to know she told me accidentally." said Sehun. "She'll say something when she's ready.."

"I'm going to get her." said Xiumin

Xiumin got up and headed for _____'s room.

"Why does he get to go?" asked Kris

"They're like siblings to each other" explained Chen.

"I want a sister that's that pretty." said Kris

hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the book so far! There is so much more to go!


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