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Bam! The sound of car crashing was clearly heard. A luxurious car was stranded at the side of the road as a result of another car hitting it. A middle-aged man came out of the luxurious car, fuming and made his way to a girl who was in a panic.

“Where are you putting your eyes on? Didn’t you see that my car gave the signal to turn right?” the furious man yelled at the frantic girl, pointing at the damaged car.

“I’m sorry. I was rushing and forgot to brake. I’m so sorry” apologized Hanna guiltily.

“That car is expensive. Aigoo… what are u going to do now?” that man questioned her, still angry.

“I’ll pay the compensation but now I need to go. My class is starting at 10. I really need to go now. Sorry …” she said bowing repeatedly.

“Yah! Where the hell do u think u are going? U need to be responsible for what you have done. How dare u run away like that!” the man said.

“I’m not running but right now I am really busy. You can give me your card and I’ll come when I finish my class this evening. I promise,” she begged, hoping that the man would understand her.

“I wouldn’t easily believe that u will pay it or … are u purposely doing this?” the man remarked suspiciously.

“Ahjussi! How could u say that I purposely hit your car. And why would I need to do that?” said Hanna, trying to keep her temper under control. She hated it when people accuse of things she didn’t do.

“Bwoh! Ahjussi? How dare u call me that? This kid…” He raised his hand stopped but stopped Hanna spoke.

“What? You want to hit me? Go ahead. I am not scared of an old man like u.” she retorted.

“Yah!”a voice was heard. A tall man with a cap was seen heading towards them. Handsome, tall, tough-looking but…

“Taekwoon-ah, what are u doing here? I told u stay in the car. Let me manage the girl.” The man said frantically.

“It’s okay, hyung. U! You didn’t need to say that to my manager, right? This is your fault!” said Taekwoon in an irritated tone.

“Yes I know. That’s why I said I’ll pay the compensation. But I can’t stand it when that ahjussi said that I purposely did that!” she responded.

“I am not an ahjussi,” the manager said again.

“Maybe he’s saying the truth. U hit us because u knew we were in the car.” He replied back.

“God! I don’t even know who the heck are you? Why should I do that?” Hanna asked.

“Just tell the truth. Are you really desperate to take a picture with us?” Taekwoon said. That sentence made Hanna’s blood boil.

“ Are you insane? Who do you think you are that I would be dead desperate to take a damn photo with you, you conceited jerk? Please stop the nonsense. I’m busy, I need to go now!” Hanna said as she started heading to her car but Taekwoon grabbed her wrist forcing her to stop.

“Hey! Where are u going? You really … don’t know me?” asked a confused Taekwoon.

“Should I?”

“But… you…”

“Seriously, is this guy crazy or what? Here, this is my number. Just send me your address or your account number. and I’ll pay the compensation. Sorry I really need to go now.” Hanna gave a piece of paper to Taekwoon but he doesn’t take it. Instead, he stared at it blankly.

Hanna sighed and handed the paper to the ‘ahjussi’.
“Are you sure this number is not fake?’ asked the manager.

"You can try dialling if u want.”

“It’s okay. You can go.”

“Kamsahamnida.”Hanna bowed before racing to her car and sped off to school. She only had 10 mins left to get to school. Ugh!

“Hyung! Are you alright?” Ravi asked worriedly from inside the car.

“yep I’m okay.” replied Taekwoon.

“it’s a relief. We should go now to prepare for your show.Palli.” Their hyung said and Taekwoon headed to the car. But he stopped at the back of the car.

“Aigoo… such a bad damage.” The manager sighed heavily.

“Hyung palli!” Ravi shouted from inside the car and he quickly entered the car to head to the showplace.

A/n : short chapter for now. I'll continue to write soon. Please tell if my story okay or not because this is my first fanfic and still newbie. But i'll try to improve if i'm still bad. Sorry... ;))

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