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It's been a days Hanna in the hospital. She still in unconscious state. Doctor say that the bang is quite strong but fortunately, she not have any internal injuries. She just have a minor injury at her forehead and there is no bad effect for her.

All the time she in the hospital, Min Ra and Youngji is the one that take care of her. Only God know how panic they are when they got know that Hanna had an accident. It's a relief, she is okay.

Min Ra was reading a magazine on the chair beside Hanna bed while Youngji was sleep at the couch inside the room. The door suddenly open from outside. Min Ra look who is the person that open the door and it was Hyuk, Ken and Hongbin.

"Oh you come?" said Min Ra.

"Nae... is she okay?" asked Hongbin.

"Fortunately she is okay." Answered Min Ra. Hongbin nodded.

"It's a relief." Hongbin said. Min Ra look behind them to see where is the others but there is no sign of them.

"Only three of you?" asked Min Ra.

"Nae, N hyung and Ravi is quite busy. But they will come this evening after they finished their matter." Replied Hongbin. They take a sit on the couch. Youngji also already wake up the moment they're come when they could hear a voice that disturbing her sleep.

They talk for a moment about Hanna condition and sort of before Youngji asked them to have a lunch because she feel so hungry right now.

"Let's go eat. I'm hungry." Said Youngji.

"Good idea. I'm hungry too." Hyuk agreed.

"Arraso, you all just go. I'll be here. Who know Hanna might be awake and she need something." Said Min Ra.

"Jinjja?" Youngji asked for comfirmation. Min Ra just nodded.

"Alright, I'll be pack you some." Said Youngji. Min Ra nodded again and they walking out from that room to the café. Min Ra sighed and take a sit back on the chair beside Hanna bed and continue her reading. After a minutes, the door was open again. Min Ra turn her eyes to look.

"Why? Left something..." Min Ra stop her word and looking at that uninvited person with eyes open. "You?" said Min Ra did not believe. That person smile. Mockingly.

"So, is it true... that she is here." Said that person.

"What are you doing here? And how did you know we are here?" asked Min Ra.

"Well, I'm here just like the others. Want to visit your friend." Answered him sarcasm. Min Ra staring at him angry. She look at Hanna before looking back at him.

"Get out now!" Min Ra chased him away.

"Why? I'm your guest. You need to treat me well right? I'm just want to visit her." That guy said. Min Ra sighed heavily. S

he walking to that person and pull his arm to follow her to the outside. She worry if Hanna might be hear their conversation and it can just worst her condition again. They are now at outside the room.

"What your intention actually to be here? I know, it's not like you want to visit her, right?" Min Ra asked while crossing her arm. That guy laugh sarcastically before looking at Min Ra.

"Well, if you already know, it's good." Said that guy. Min Ra feel resentful with that guy answered. The same guy that make Hanna suffered in the last two years. The one thing that she didn't want to happened, finally happened when she meet that same guy in the hospital right now.

"It's doesn't enough what you have done last two years. It not only Hanna that feel that suffered but also Leo oppa. You're not feeling guilty for what you have done?" Min Ra asked angry.

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