34-Even More Explanations

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Nico's POV

Harry and Ron weren't sure what we were talking about.

"So why are you here?" Harry asked. "Not that I'm complaining, of course."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "When I tell you, don't laugh or say anything. Wait until I finish. Alright?"

Ron and Harry nodded uncertainly, unsure of what they were going to hear.

"We're demigods," Annabeth said bluntly.

"Now wait a minute," Ron protested.

"Shh!" Annabeth snapped. "What did I say about speaking?"

"To not do it?" Ron asked.


Ron looked annoyed, and slumped into his seat. His arms were crossed, like this better be as good as Nutella.

Annabeth continued, "We're from a summer camp called Camp Half-Blood. It's a place for Greek demigods. There's another camp called Camp Jupiter for Romans. Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic, saw that your world was in danger. She said she made some sort of choice. She convinced Athena, who convinced Zeus to allow some demigods to come to Hogwarts to save it. Zeus agreed, and Rachel-our oracle-gave us a prophecy. You heard it in Divination."

Harry blinked, "We thought Trelawney made it up."

"The old bat," Ron agreed. "She—"

"Anyway," Annabeth interrupted, "Hecate blessed us so that we would be able to do magic. But since we had just barely recovered from another prophecy, we ah...forced her to make us immune to magic cast by anyone other than us, so that we would have a higher chance of surviving this quest. We came here to train you wizards, because Hecate thinks-and other gods agree-that some powerful being is going to take over Hogwarts, and use everyone here to take over our camps."

Harry raised his hand timidly, "Can I...er....?"

Annabeth nodded, trying to make her face more gentle, "Go ahead."

"How can Greek Mythology be real? I mean, we know that the sun's just a ball of gas, it has nothing to do with Helios or Apollo. In Astronomy we chart stars and planets—"

"The Mist," Annabeth explained. "It's a magic veil that prevents mortals or Muggles from seeing the real thing. A hellhound could be right in front of them but all they would see is a car or a large dog. You have some godly blood in you, since wizards (besides muggle-borns, who are blessed) are all descendants from the first group of wizards. Because of that, you can see through most of the Mist. You know centaurs exist right? And the Chimera and the gorgons."

Harry nodded hesitantly, "But the planets—"

"—are the Mist," Annabeth finished. "There are no planets. The sun is Apollo's sports car, and the moon is Artemis's chariot. There is no outer space, just Ouranos, the protogenos of the sky."

"But...but..." Harry looked very disappointed, like a kid being told Santa Claus wasn't real.

"That's impossible!" Ron blurted. "You're telling me gods are hanging around with Muggles? How has the Ministry not heard of this?"

"The Mist," Annabeth repeated. "We've fought gods, Titans, giants, and various monsters. Greek and Roman Mythology aren't myths. All the stories are true."

Ron was lost, "Wait, so Annabeth, you're telling me your parents are gods for God's sake?"

I rolled my eyes because I had heard the capital G in what he said. "No, of course not."

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