6-Classes Part 3

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Ron and I ran to Headmasters's office like our robes were on fire and Dumbledore was a fireman.

We had no idea what the password was, just that it was probably related to candy.

We began randomly guessing the password. The gargoyle stared at us amused and annoyed at the same time.

"Fudge Flies," Ron said, and the gargoyle moved aside.

"14 tries," it muttered, "but hey, who's counting."

We burst into the room.

"Professor!" I yelled.

He turned around and smiled at us, "You should be in class."

"We know," I said, "but we heard a prophecy. From Professor Trelawney"

"Turns out she's not a fraud after all!" Ron added.

"Hm," Dumbledore said, smoothing out his beard, "does the prophecy happen to begin with Seven shall journey to the wizarding world?"

"Yes," I said, "how do you know?"

"Ah yes, I know of this prophecy. The seven are the transfer students, as you've probably guessed."

"Yes, but I think they are Death Eaters!"

Dumbledore suddenly got serious and unhappy, the twinkle in his eyes gone.

"Harry, do not say that about them. They have a horrible past, and are not with the enemy."

Him using that calm voice kind of scared me, but I couldn't resist. "How do you know? They act like they own Hogwarts! And Jackson's enchanting Annabeth!"

"Harry," he said softly, dead serious, "please leave and get back to your class."

We backed out the door. They've brainwashed Dumbledore too?

• • •


Annabeth and I went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, we were going to be teaching that class. We're going to teach them physical combat AND spells.

"I wonder what that meant," I said to Annabeth. "The empousa we saw in the crystal ball."

"Me too," she said, deep in thought, "but we shouldn't worry too much. We beat Gaea and Kronos, an empousa can't harm us."


• • •

Soon it was time for lunch, which meant food.

Dumbledore stepped up to the owl podium thing.

Everyone shut up, wow, Dumbledore didn't even need to do a hand gesture or anything! In my mortal school the principal has to take a microphone and shout for five minutes.

"I hope you are all treating the new transfer students fairly," he said. I swear he looked at Harry when he said it.

"Another thing, there will be a visit to Hogsmeade on Saturday. As always, only 3rd years and above may go."

A few of the younger people groaned.

I wonder what's this "Pigsmeades". This school has an unhealthy obsession with barn animals.

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