3-That Night and Breakfast

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Percy's POV

We followed Hermione to the Griffin Door common rooms. These people have weird names for things. Bubble Buff, Slither Inn, Raving Clock? Seriously?

Hermione said the password, and the lady with a big belly moved out of the way.

Oh wait, that's a painting. A moving painting.


We went up a third set of stairs to our own private dorm.

"The girls' dormitories are this way," Harry said to Annabeth. He said it in a you poor stupid girl, voice.

She glared at him, "I know," she climbed up the stairs and slammed the door in my face.

Then she opened it again, "Sorry."

I came inside.

There were seven beds, and two doors at the end of the room. One led to a bathroom, and another led to a training room.

"Cool!" Leo hopped inside.

Simple weapons and shields hung on the walls. There was a pool of water on one side of the room, and one especially dark place.

"Oh, wow," Thalia said.

Nico nodded approvingly, "Yes, this'll work."

They cut at regenerating dummies for a while, before Annabeth called a break and we sat around in a circle.

Leo fiddled around his wand, making Jason lean away from him. See, in order to get us to agree to another quest, Hecate granted that we would not be harmed or affected by any sort of spell, unless it was being cast by one of us. Unforgivables still had some minor effect, since we couldn't ask for that much in life.

"So," Annabeth said, silently telling Leo to be careful with the stick, "the prophecy, we should try to make some sense of it."

"Seven must go to the wizarding world," Nico quoted, "that's—"

"No, it's journey idiot," Thalia said back.

"I'm pretty sure it's go," he said dully.

"No, it's—"

"It doesn't matter," Annabeth snapped. "And yeah, that seven is us. Okay, the next line, where many secrets be unfurled."

"Well in every quest there's a secret," Jason said. "There's nothing you can really figure out from that line."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," Piper snorted.

Leo patted her back, "Chill with the insults, Pipes."

"Okay fine," Annabeth said, "next line. The prideful and the inferior, brave. It's saying that the prideful and the inferior will be brave. Who's prideful?"

I remembered how Annabeth's fatal flaw was deadly pride. "Uhh," I raised my hand. Then I remembered I wasn't in a classroom and everyone was already looking at me so I put it down.

I pointed at Annabeth.

"Okay, maybe it's me," Annabeth muttered. "But anyone else?"

"Uhh," Leo said. "I saw a girl who I knew like four years ago..."

"Okay...who is she?"

"Drew Getaway..."

"Okaay, so why'd you bring her up after I asked about who's prideful? Is she prideful?"

Leo nodded, eyes wide, "Very. Almost like Clarisse."

"Oh," I said.

"Okay," Annabeth said, "it's not very possible it's her, but it could be. And the inferior, who could that be?"

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