5-Classes Part 2

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I watched bitterly as the Americans made Shield Charms with ease.

Who did they think they were? I'm way better than them! I've been practicing Shield Charms since I was in 4th year!

"Who do they think they are?" I said to Hermione and Ron. "They act like they're the best! They're not!"

Ron nodded, but Hermione glared at me, face twisting with disappointment, "What's your problem, Harry? They don't act like that."

I found that I didn't have an example to prove my point, but somehow it made perfect sense to me and I couldn't grasp how the brightest witch in the school couldn't see it. "My problem?" I gasped, "Why do you hang out with them? They're obviously Death Eaters!"

"Harry!" she yelled at me, "They're not Death Eaters!" 

"How do you know that for sure?" Ron and I shouted back.

"Why do you think they are?" she snapped, gritting her teeth. "I don't understand you at all."

"Well, just look at that Nico kid! He totally reeks with death!" Then I saw more proof, "And they're hanging out with Malfoy!"

Her head whipped around, "What?"

"You see?" I cried desperately. She didn't respond and got up, walking away.

"Hermione, please listen," I reached for her sleeve, but she shook me off.

"I'm going to warn them about Malfoy," she said, scowling at me. "But I'm still furious at you both." Ron and I glanced at each other briefly, then got up to follow her. As we got closer, we could hear the Americans' conversation.

"I've always wondered where you went," Annabeth was saying.

"I didn't know anyone cared about me," Malfoy muttered.

Annabeth patted his back, "Just because you're unclaimed doesn't mean nobody cares about you."

Malfoy grinned, "Seriously though, I'm glad to see you guys here. And by the way—"


Annabeth whipped around to find the source of the sound — me. Her eyes told me she thought I was crazy, "What do you mean?"

I pointed between them, "You're talking to Malfoy!"

She frowned, "So?"

"He's an actual Death Eater!"

Malfoy whispered something to Annabeth.

Annabeth nodded, "I see."

"Leave him alone will you?" Annabeth said to me. "He's good now."

I couldn't believe she was sticking up for him. He'd bullied me and my friends for years, tried to get Hagrid sacked, agreed to kill Dumbledore, and treated his House-elf like a slave, but 'he's good now'? It made no sense.

My hands shook, "Why? What did he tell you?"

"The reason he did all that. Harry, redemption exists."

I waited, but she didn't tell me anything else. She turned away and started chatting with Malfoy.

I stormed to Hermione and Ron, who'd already sat down again.

"Annabeth's a reasonable person," Hermione said to me, though her face didn't seem altogether convinced, "she doesn't just trust random people."

"He's tricking her," I stated, trying to fight my dark urge to shout. "I have this feeling. And — and the same with that Jackson jerk too!"

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