35-Draco Demands Details

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Percy's POV

Draco responded the usual way.

He was PO'ed, like how Zeus is at Apollo.

He swatted at the symbol like he wanted it to go away, "I've been praying for my dad to claim me, and I GET A SIGN EIGHT YEARS LATER?"

Annabeth looked at him uneasily, "Draco—"

Draco glared at the floor, and I thought of how people a long time ago banged on the floor to get the Lord of the Dead's attention. Draco seemed pretty tempted.

Instead Draco ran to the window and flung it open so hard it nearly bounced back and hit him in the face. He blasted fire from his wand at the ground like he was trying to scorch the Underworld, "HADES!! HAAAADDEEES!!!"

Hermione tried to grab his arm, "Gods aren't allowed to appear—"

"Well HADES himself appeared here before, didn't he? Along with Zeus and Artemis!"

Piper tried to calm him down, "I doubt Hecate would allow them to do it again. Now listen—"

Draco ignored her, "HADES! PLUTO! UNDERWORLD GOD!! HADES!"

"When did Hades come here?" Ron asked, bewildered.

We ignored him.


I seized his arm, "Okay, that's enough. I'm sure he's heard you by now. If he's coming, he'll come soon enough. And I'm sure he's coming," I added.

"He better be," Draco spat, shooting some snakes out of his wand for good measure.

"You know," Leo looked out at the snakes slithering around, wondering where they had come from and why the ground was littered with flames, "I'm all for throwing reptiles and fireballs out a window and all, but gods always have their reasons. He's probably been watching you."

"Indeed he has."

We spun around. A woman in dark robes was standing there. But not robes like ours, because it rippled so much it was like oil or ink was pouring off. She put two unlit torches into her belt as she gazed at us regally with her pale face. Thankfully the farting weasel was not present.

"Lady Hecate," Annabeth greeted.

We all bowed, even Draco did a small bob of his head, but I suspected if it were Hades he wouldn't bother.

"What do you mean?" Draco said, asking about what Hecate had said earlier.

"I know how you must feel," Hecate said. And when Draco began to protest she raised her hand, "Trust me. I have felt abandoned and angry more than once. I am sorry your father cannot visit you. You may have guessed that the impossible task is Nyx. You are right. And as you must know already, Nyx's domain is under the Underworld. Quite far down, but she travels incredibly fast. Your father is trying to prevent her from infiltrating the Underworld. I must return to him soon. But you must know this, Draco Malfoy. The Lord of the Dead loves you as much as Nico di Angelo here. And no, that does not mean only a little bit. You are a son of the Big Three with the powers of a wizard. No, Zeus would not allow that at all, since Zeus believes that a son of Hades was more likely to go against the gods. And to make sure you were never found, Hades was did not give you any powers. He made sure you were accepted at Hogwarts, and that you were properly trained as a wizard. Zeus did not know about wizards at the time.

"The appearance of wizards was something I never planned on. I merely blessed one of my favourite daughters some enhanced powers: to be able to use magic with a wand so as to not exhaust herself too much. Then she found a way to pass her skills to her son. And then more and more wizards were created, all around the world. Schools were founded, and I didn't want to stop what I had created. I used my power to hide you from sight, and had Hades's help as well. I'm sorry, I assume you already know of all this, but you are a child of the Big Three. And the Great Prophecy was still waiting to be fulfilled. You reached sixteen a year before Percy Jackson. But you both made choices that caused the downfall of evil in different worlds. Percy, you chose to give Luke Castellan the blade. And you, Draco,  became a Death Eater on your birthday."

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