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I count out the money in my head to keep track, 1,980 1,990 2,000. I put the money safely into the safe,lock it,and place the portrait safely back up on the wall.Making sure I left nothing behind I quickly exit Kariah's room--only to run into Kariah.

She looks over my shoulder,down the hall,and then at her room.She's gunna ask,and I'm going to lie to here.Just like boss told me I should.

"Were you just in my room?" I knew it.

I shrug my shoulders."Naah."She raises an eyebrow,telling me to explain where I was,typical Kariah. "I was in Tracey's room looking for the shirt he took from me."

"You're lying,but it's fine.I'll figure out whatever you're hiding."She smiles and pushes past me to her room and shuts--no slams the door closed.Leaning my shoulder on the wall I sigh,frustrated.I was suppose to be taking her out today, but it seems like she's really mad,and I just made it worse.

They Gon' Ask If I Can Play This Shit Back To Back,Yeah,They Want It Back To Back.

Without looking at the caller ID,I answer my phone."Wassup?"

"Tell that tramp to stay away from you."I take the phone from my ear and look at the screen.Unknown Number.

"Aye man who the fuck is this? And how'd you get my number?"
The voice on the other line chuckles.It's a female,I know that much.Somehow I feel like I know that voice,but I rarely know any females in my life.And what tramp is she talking about?

"That doesn't matter right now sweety.I suggest that if you want your lil girlfriend to stay alive,you'll stay away from her.I'll be back soon"

I yell,enraged."Who the hell are you! I swear on my aunt's grave I'll track you down and kill you if you so much as lay a finger on her."

"So you want to threaten me?That's fine,you won't mind another trip to the hospital then."What?

"What?! What are you talking about?"The line goes dead and I stand there,to stunned to move.As I process the conversation I just had,an ear splitting scream comes from Kariah's room.Knocking on her door,I realize it's lock and I kick it down.

"Marquis!"Two guys in black clothing struggle to throw her out the window.Taking my gun from my pocket,I aim at the bigger one and shoot him in the chest.Bullseye. He drops her legs and falls to the ground,hand over his chest.If we weren't in this situation he could be doing the pledge.That sounds really cruel, haha.

The second,smaller guy, drops her arms,letting her fall to the ground with a Thump! He then charges toward me,knife in hand.I take aim at the arm with the knife and shoot.I miss.The bullet flies through the wall,and outside.He pauses for a moment,checks his body for wounds,giving me a millisecond to shoot again.This time I hit him in his left kneecap.

He falls to the floor,grunting and groaning.I run over to Kariah,who's laying still on the floor.Please don't be dead,I silently pray.Her skin has a little less color in it,but she looks fine.

I shake her."Kariah." Her eyes flutter open,then shut again.I shake her harder,praying to God she's not dead."Don't die on me,please." My voice cracks and I feel a pain in my heart,like it's breaking.

I pick her up and softly lay her on her bed,tucking her in.I drag the smaller guy to the end of the hall and open the door with my key.I drag him down the old wooden stairs to the room.I run upstairs and attempt to drag the bigger guy.

"Hey Kay, you wanna go--oh shit."I look up at Tracey and motion for him to be quiet.

"Help me."Together,we drag him down to the room.And tie both of them to chairs.Tracey follows me back upstairs to Kariah's room where I act out everything that happened,for extra effect.Tracey just stands there,arms crossed,and eyebrows raised.

"Why are you teenagers so weird?"

"Man whatever.Why are y'all adults so boring?Hmm?"

"I'm not even an adult,so.."Boy.He knows damn well that thirty-three is an adult.

"Oh,okay.Stay a child at heart,that's good."I shake my head,chuckling to myself.

"Marquis?"Turning to Kariah's doorway,I see the boss man staring us down.His gaze leave us and focuses on Kariah,who's now thrashing about wildy,trying to escape her covers.

"Aaaaah!"Her sudden outburst is followed by a heavy thud on the floor.Oh God she is so clumsy. "Ow."

I rush over to the side of her bed,where she lays,still wrapped up in her human cocoon. Reaching my hand down,she grabs it,and I pull her up effortlessly.She unwraps herself from the covers and stretches out her arms.

"Are you ok-"Cassey pushes me away and pulls Kariah into a hug.

"You okay baby girl?"He did not just steal my moment with her.Man,I sound like a little girl,let me shut up.

"Dad,I'm fine.I was sleep,not dead."She pushes away from him,and attempts to smooth out the wrinkles in her shirt.I take this time to take in her appearance.Her body,like always, is still flawless.She's just so beautiful,from her big forehead to her small,child-like feet.

Her long black curls engulf her head.Her violet doe eyes sparkle with specks of green.Honestly,Kariah isn't the baddest girl around town,but she doesn't need to be.She has a vibe that you can't find anywhere else,she's just so different from everyone. I could make her my wife if I wanted to.

"Marquis!"Looking up from her body,I meet her eyes.


"You weren't even listening to me!"Stopping her foot on the floor,she rolls her eyes at me.I didn't even know she was talking to me.Looking around her room,I notice Tracey and Cassey are gone.When did that happen?I must have been thinking about her for awhile.

"I'm sorry,what you say ma?"A blush appears on her caramel colored cheeks.Amused,I smirk just a little.

"I asked if you were still taking me out."

"Of course,let's go."I reach for her hand, but she pulls away."Is something wrong?" I raise my eyebrows at her.

"We are not going anywhere looking like.." She points at our outfits "This." Typical Kariah.

"Okay,okay.Well I'm gonna go freshen up,I'll be downstairs when you're ready."Winking at her,I leave her room,making sure to shut the door behind me.A wide grin creeps onto my face as I realize what just happened.I'm taking Kariah on a date.

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