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I Sweah If He's Not Here In The Next Sec-

"I'm here."

"And you're" Shoving the bag at his face,I snatch the briefcase from his outstretched hand.I click it open and look over the stacks of money.Good.Just as I turn to walk away,he grabs my arm.

"I was just know if you're free,we cou-" I close his lips with my index finger and thumb.

"Shut that down right now." I turn from him and begin walking back to my car,as I laugh to myself. Once inside my cherry red beauty,I quickly pull off into the night.


Bleep Bleep!

My headlights flash quickly before my car goes dead.I unlock the cream colored door to my-well the family house.The smell of old marijuana,pizza boxes,sweat,and anything else boyish hits me in the face.What A Lovely Way To Be Greeted. A big white cloud of smoke floods my vision,and prevents me from seeing things clearly.

"Who the hell is smoking so much?" I shout into the non vacant house,yet I don't receive a reply.Angrily,I march up the steps to the first room,and open the door quickly.Bad Mistake. Even though I can barely see,I can perfectly make out two figures in a bed,moving a little to much. I quickly shut the door and continue walking down the hall.

"I know someone else is in this gaw-damned house!" I hear a high pitch laugh come from the room at the end of the hall. I shoulda' known.


I walk down there and kick down the door.I grab the bimbo that he's with by her hair,dragging her down the steps,I slam the door in her face.

"Get y'all asses down here right now!" I really hope they're unaware of how pissed I am,'cause I'm about to blow like a volcano. Minutes later all four of them walk down stairs and into the room. Cassey being the last,and only half dressed since I did interrupt him and his,lady friend.

"Kariah Renné Court! What the hell are you yellin' for?" Raising an eyebrow,he looks down at me,glaring,expecting an answer.

"Shut up Cassey. Shut the fuck up. I am sick and tired of coming home to this! The house smells like weed all the time,there's trash all over the damn place! And y'all do nothing to help it out! It's gross and it's driving me insane!" I finish my rant and roll my eyes at them.

"Then leave." Cassey tells me,before he turns to go back upstairs. "Pack your stuff,and go."


I stare at his figure through the clouds and sink into the leather couch. I rub my hands on my jeans as I think of what he just said. Leave. Leave? Leave! He did not just tell me to leave. There's no way,I must've heard him wrong.

"Kay,you alright?"

"He told me to leave...he doesn't want me anymore." I mumble to myself. He knows I can't just go. It's not possible,he didn't say that to me.

"Renné you know he didn't mean it,he's just upset." Tracey tries to reason with me.
I have nowhere to go.I'll just end up in a foster home,my family doesn't want a delinquent like me around. My parents are gone,dead. I have no one to go to.

Casey is my father. He's been my dad since I was 5,I'm 17 now. That's twelve years! He wants me to just up and go after twelve fucking years? These guys are my family,and he knows there's no way in hell I could leave them.

I blink back the tears that threaten to spill over.I don't cry.I won't cry. That's what I was taught. You never cry,it shows people your weakness. Mine? My family,if I ever lost one of these guys I don't know what I'd do. They raised me,trained me to protect myself. They're the only ones who can fit into my ice cold heart.

"I'm not leaving.I'm never gunna leave." I say,more to myself than the others. I walk up the stairs to Cassey's room and knock on the door. When I don't get an answer I force the door open,the broad he was with jumps back.

"Get out." She nods her head and quickly walks past me,out the house.Cassey stands up from his bed and looks at me,obviously annoyed.

"I told you to leave."

"I'm not leaving."

"Kariah get the fuck out. I mean it."

"You don't want me to go. Let's not lie here...Casseyll." Me using his real name gets under his skin and I know It.

"Kariah I swear if you don't get out my damn house right fucking now!" See?

"What are you gunna do?" I ask confidently,a smirk playing at my lips. Before I have a chance to blink,his gun is out and aimed towards my head.

No. No,he wouldn't. Not Cassey. He wouldn't shoot me.

"Do it.Shoot me." I dare him.

"Get out." His tone is dark,and his eyes look redder than the devil himself. Slowly I reach for my gun,I twirl it around before aiming it at his chest. He raises an eyebrow and laughs.

"You wouldn't"

I smirk. "Oh but I would."

"Both of you,put the guns down.Now." I didn't even notice the boys in here until Tracey,Cassey's twin,said something.

"No!"I turn to Cassey "Shoot me damnit!" Tears build up in my eyes,and my vision is blurry.

Cassey shakes his head. "Go to bed." He puts his gun back in his pocket. I don't move. I can't move.

"Kariah? Kariah what's wrong?" My knees turn to water as I fall on my back,hard. I see four heads standing over me.

"Kariah don't you dare close your eyes." I nod before closing my eyes and drifting off.

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