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"Where are we going Marquis?"I question for the umpteenth time. He put a blindfold on me before we left,and won't let me take it off until we arrive.The fact that I'm unaware of my surroundings makes me feel vulnerable. That's my special skill,detecting unknown area,and making my way back to familiar territory.

This blindfold takes away one of my most useful senses.Sight.I can't see where I am,or where we're going.My five other senses are on full alert though.The wind whips my freshly washed hair into my mouth,letting me taste my new peach shampoo.My sleeveless top allows the air to crash over me in waves,causing little goosebumps to rise on my arms.

I shiver,and run my hands along my arms,trying to warm myself up.Marquis lets go of my hand,and I stop walking,afraid I might smash into something if I continue.A heavy material drops on my shoulders,and I grab it.A jacket.Quickly,I slip it on and zip it all the way up.

"Thank you."I speak right in front of me,even though I'm positive he's not there.

"Take off your blindfold."I jump and turn to where his voice comes from.Reaching to the rather tight knot he put in the bandana,I untie it,and let it drop to the ground.It takes a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the light,not that there's much.It's early evening,so the sun is beginning to set.

"My gosh.."I whisper in awe,realizing where we are.I've only been here once,when Marquis and I were younger.It's a serene little area.A steady stream flows, surrounded by lengthy grass,and flowers.

A few boulders sit on either side of the stream,as if they were strategically placed there.About ten yards to the right,there's an entrance to a forest.
Like I said before,the sun is setting,making the setting that more beautiful.

I gush,clasping my hands together,and turning to Marquis."It's.." My eyebrows scrunch together,as I try to think of the word.

"Girly,Cliché,Boring?"He suggests.

I shake my head."Amazing."I breathe."It still looks the same as it did when we were younger."

He grins,scratching the back of his neck."Uhm,yeah I guess it does."A tiny spot of red tints his caramel colored cheeks.He's blushing!He coughs,and turns his head away,staring into the stream.What is he so embarrassed about?What could have possibly gone wrong now?

"You okay?"I ask,grabbing his hand.He grins,and pulls me closer to him,wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm fine,as long as I'm with you."He winks,making me roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"You're gorgeous."He breathes.My breath hitches.Did I hear him correctly?I couldn't have,there's no way.

"Wh-what?"I stutter.

"You're gorgeous,Kariah.You're just so damn gorgeous."He tells me.I stare at him,wide eyed and blushing.He's never said anything about my appearance to me before.At least,not to my face he hasn't.Of course,he's called me cute,or adorable, but that's what you call your little sister.I know we're nothing like brother and sister,at least not in my eyes we're not.Maybe he does only think of me that way..

What do I care?That's it,I don't.I don't care what he thinks we are because I don't need or desire a boyfriend in my life.Cassey said I was a strong,independent woman who could care for herself,and I'm proud of it.Marquis needs to know that I don't need him,nor do I want him.I need to know that too..

"Uhm yeah,thanks."I say,awkwardly untangling myself from his embrace."So why'd you bring me here?"

He shrugs."Don't know.We just needed to,ya know..get out.I brought you here,thinking we could.."He trails off,biting his lip.

"We could what?"I urge him to continue his sentence.


I chuckle."Ya know,you act like a real punk when we're alone." I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah well, I'm like Kanye West."He smirks,sticking his hands in his jean pockets.

"Yeah?How so?"I argue.

"A real asshole to the world,but a sweetheart to my girl.."He defends.I grin,highly amused at his answer.This boy is something else,I tell you.

"I agree,you're such a jerk to everyone but me.However, I am not your girl."I wink.An emotion flashes across his face.I try to catch it,but it's gone as quick as it came.

"Whatever, you're mine."He says,in a determined matter.His jaw clenches,as he grabs my hand again,pulling me back to him.Raising my eyebrow,I question his sudden mood change.I've never classified Marquis as the bipolar type,however, I probably could now..

Before I could even reply,my phone starts ringing.Thank you,Jesus.I take it out of my back pocket and answer,without looking at the caller ID.


"I didn't think you were as stupid as you looked."A deep,husky voice cackles on the other line.Pulling the phone from my ear,I look at the caller ID,blocked number.

"Who the hell is this?"I growl into phone,angered by the way they insulted me."How'd you get this number?"

They continue to laugh,well he does."Oh,sweet,sweet Genie.You don't need to worry about that now,dear."

"Who are you?I swear I'll have my dad track you down and blow your brains out!"I yell.How does he know my birth name?That information was classified, very few people know it.No one from my biological family would ever think of calling me,so it's none of them.

"Who,Casseyll?That's not your father.."

"Oh really?Then who is,'cause you seem to know everything."Times like this,my smart mouth can either get me killed,or let me win.

"I am." I laugh.I laugh so hard my sides begin to hurt,so I quit.

"You're really funny,ya know that?I needed a laugh today,thanks man."Shaking my head,I take in a deep breath.

"Genevieve, you'll see in due time."He warns."Oh and tell your little boyfriend,his secret place is a bit cliché." The line goes dead,and I just stand there.

"Kay what is it?Who was that?"Marquis asks,snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"I-I don't know.We have to go n-now."He nods his head,grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the forest entrance. Turning my head back to the stream,I chuck my phone into the water,earning a small splash in return.

"What was that?"He turns around,looking at me.

I shrug."Not sure,come on."Reluctantly,he turns back around and continues walking.Not only do I have to deal with this new stalker,I'm going to get in trouble for drowning my phone.Great.

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