Sunset [BB x Kaz]

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(Set during Peace Walker: Extra Op #68.)

"Snake, umm... Would you be up for going to the coast to watch the sunset? Just the two of us?"


Snake was beginning to feel like it was some sort of sick joke. Arms folded over his knees, he watched as small waves crashed over onto the shore, rising until the water just barely graced the tip of his bare feet before receding with a soothing fissure. His gaze fell beside him with a shallow exhale, his unveiled, dazzling soft aqua eye flickering back and forth between the small gated entrance and the sandy spot beside him he'd hoped by now would be enlightened by the presence of Miller. His heart sank a little, and he found himself drawing a small heart in the plush sand with a swift reoccurring motion of his index finger. The motion counted silently for him the seconds that passed without the presence of Miller, each of which felt painfully long and arduous.

He'd wait only sixty more, he decided. The sun was minutes away from dipping below the horizon line as is, and he figured there was no point in sitting in false hope. He'd been let down too many times before. He scolded himself for not knowing by now that it was likely a lighthearted proposition that of course wouldn't have happened, but something, of which he wasn't sure its origin, brought him out onto the sandy coastline with more faith in Miller than ever.


Using his hand that wasn't preoccupied with keeping time, Snake reached up and pulled at the collar of his tightly fitted t-shirt, letting out a small cough before having the same hand through a his vigorously styled hair, using the water as a somewhat distorted mirror to fix each splayed strand until they all lay seamless on his gently tanned skin. His glared at his own reflection after a brief second of admiration, eyebrows knotting together and he turned instead to stare straight into the sun, completely unfazed and he shook his head with growing aggravation.


"Who are you trying to look good for?" He scolded himself, biting his lip with an annoyed tch. His eye shut tightly as he tried to gain control of his nerves once more, those his thick frame shook with a gentle tremor between each low, hollow breath. He then gave up control over his entire body, allowing all of his weight to fall back into the earth with a silent curse. His head clouded with dark, critical thoughts, but even then his finger kept tracing the small outline, fueled by the minuscule, but existent bit of hope he had left.



Snake's hand rushed to erase the heart that had long been carved into the ground just beside him, eyes snapping open at the oddly cheerful call of his name. He could feel his eyelashes fluttering against his eyepatch as dizzy, fragmented smile crossed his lips. He knew that voice.

He knew that voice so, so well.

"Miller," he said coolly, though wishing he could put all the affection and blunt extravagance he felt into that single syllable. Miller only laughed at the notion, un-barring the thick metal gate with anticipation.

John sat up slowly, now extremely careful to keep his hair in order, turning to face the man that made his way over. The wind tousled his gentle blonde hair in a way that could only be defined as majestic, and what was left of the sun reflected an array of beautiful colors off of his toned chest. His eyes, to no surprise, were concealed by his trademark shades, but Snake could only imagine how beautifully his eyes shone free of the lenses. He almost spoke the thought aloud, but forced his lips to remain sealed and his gaze to avert from the man.

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