Count to Ten [Liquid Snake x Mayflower] [Kaz x Octane] [Solid Snake x Jade]

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justicelaw M4D_J4DE

I'm writing this in two parts, so forgive me for the cliffhanger! (It'll be okay I promise ;~;)


"They're fighting again?"

"Yep. Look."

Kaz lifted his shades and nodded over the deck on which he and Octane strode, critical gaze visible for only a second before he allowed the glasses to fall back onto the bridge of his nose, as he was incredibly sensitive to the light that flooded the sky, along with his glossy steel eyes. Octane drew a deep, agitated breath and followed the direction in which his eyes were aimed, causing the end of her cigar to flare up and she caught glimpse of the skirmish.

Both Liquid Snake and Solid Snake could be seen inches apart, both seething as they glared into the eyes of the other. Liquid's hand was slipped just barely inside his long, deep crème coat, knuckles likely coiled at a knife strapped to his loosely latched belt, whilst Solid Snake's hands were exposed, though tightly wound, just waiting for a chance to strike.  Both looked furious, and those who milled past were sure to keep their distance, eyes aimed at the ground, as if they were completely unaware of the situation.

"Why am I the one left to handle these things...?"

Octane closed her eyes for a brief moment as her own knuckles went white beneath her riveted leather gloves, allowing smoke to escape from the small parting between her full, glossy lips. Kaz offered a hard swallow and took a hesitant step backwards at Octane's obvious enragement, pressing his weight into his cane as he watched her with an uneasy stare. Octane's boots stamped angrily into the metal catwalk as she made her way to the orange railing, gripping it tightly as she leaned over, taking her cigar into her hand so her voice could be amplified.

"ALRIGHT!" Octane snapped, causing everyone on levels above and below to stop dead in their tracks and turn to her, including the bickering clones, who still stood battle ready, though their glares were no longer aimed at each other. Octane put a foot on the lower railing, returning the sharp gaze as she fitted her smoldering cigar between her gritting teeth, turning only to propel herself over the rail as the vaulted her way to the lower level in a few snappy motions, landing with prowess and a spine-chilling groan of the metal beneath her.

Kaz sighed, looking down to his lower half, and ultimately made the decision that he- would be taking the stairs.

Octane dusted off her army green pants just below the knee, and began to march furiously towards Solid and Liquid, who still kept their silent, dagger-like glares on the brooding female. Her rubber soles twisted almost sadistically into the ground as she walked, mirroring a stride similar to that of a crude villain.

"What the hell happened this time?" She barked, addressing both of them as she smacked their hands out of their defensive stances. Liquid gave a disgusted sneer, brushing his hand against his coat as he cleared his throat, as if her touch was a disease, even through his brown, frayed gloves.

"It's none of your business, Vaughan." He sneered, a wry smirk finding its way onto his thin lips at his own venomous remark. Solid Snake even managed a chuckle, finding amusement in the boiling offense that quickly spread across Octane's face given the blatant disrespect.

"Mother Base is more my home than it ever will be to you, Eli. So considering you're here, I'm afraid that does make this my business."

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