Chapter Seven

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3rd person -Two weeks later-

Jerome didn't hurt Mitch at all in the period of time, at all. Mitch, sadly, got sick. Coughing and sneezing, shaking from the cold. Everyday, left and hunted, then came back, fed Mitch, and took care of him. Everyday, Mitch asked to go outside with him. Of course, Jerome declined, not wanting to get him even more sick. The boy didn't give up though.
He was currently sitting on the bed of furs -Jerome stole blankets recently for the sick boy-, waiting for the wolf. As soon as he seen him enter the cave, he smiled, hoping he could come out today. The main reason he wanted to go, well, the snow, it was covering everything! He loved the snow, a lot. Jerome sat beside him, quickly speaking before Mitch could ask, "Let me want to go out?" Mitch nodded. He sighed, "Fine. But only for a while, I don't want you more sick then you are!" Mitch instantly hugged him, practically screaming a thank you. He chuckled and stood up, "Alright, lets go." Mitch smiled and jumped up, hiding the fact that he had a pounding headache. He instantly ran outside. Jerome bounded beside him. Mitch stood in the snow, looking up was the white flakes drifted down on him. Jerome stood beside him, starring up into the dark, star filled, sky.
They started walking, Mitch pulled the red hood farther around himself, sneezing. Jerome gave him a worried look, but kept walking beside him. The boy looked around the beautiful woods, the snow like a fluffy blanket that sparkled in the moonlight. They both walked for a while. "We should head back now.." Jerome mumbled. "Just a few more minutes?" Mitch asked with begging eyes. He smiled slightly, "Okay, fine, you win." Mitch cheered and flopped into a large pile of snow. Jerome rolled his eyes as he just laid there. "You're gonna freeze." He murmured. "You'll have to warm me up then!" He yelled into the snow, his words muffled. "Oh I will..." Jerome whispered under his breath, a glint in his eyes. He finally got up, snow caking his face. The wolf held in a laugh. Mitch giggled and wiped it off. He was about to make a joke, but a growl cut him off. Mitch looked up at Jerome, but the wolf seemed shocked himself.
They both turned around....seeing three wolves, starring strait at them...

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