Chapter Two

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Mitch's pov

Tears poured from my eyes, I would never see my mom again. I curled up tighter as he got closer. Jerome growled lowly, getting on all fours (Oh god my mind XD), he prowled closer, leaning over me. I cried harder, shutting my eyes tightly. He leaned closer, sniffing his neck. I whimpered, scooting backwards slightly. Jerome sat back and just watched me. I flinched under his sharp gaze. "How old are you, Lil Mitchy?" He asked. Very quietly, I whispered, "F..f-fourteen." He chuckled, "You won't last long here." He got up, "I'll be back. If I find you gone. I'll kill everyone you ever loved." He turned around and walked away, his tail in the air. I cried harder holding my precious red hood close to me. I sat up, taking it off and holding it in my arms. I got up slowly, looking around. The cave was some what big. A pile of animal skins with fur sat in one corner, blankets and cloths in it too, possible his bed? A pile of bones in another...he eyed the human skull, fear coursing threw him. I looked around more, the only exit was the over hang leading outside. And it was cold. Really cold. I threw the hood back over me, wrapping it tightly around my body. I thought about going to the pile of fur...but quickly dismissed it. I didn't want to do anything to anger him. Instead, I curled up in a crevice in the wall. It was big enough that I could lay in, and curved a little, making it able to hide me if I needed to. I just stayed in the opening for now. I tried getting rid of the tears, but more slipt down. I shivered from the cold, shaking by this point. It didn't help that it was winter. I turned away from the entrance, Facing the stone wall. Hours past. Finally, the sound of footsteps entered the cave. I flinched at the noise. Jerome threw something in the corner, I risked taking a glance. Seeing a bloody full grown buck in the corner with bones made me gasp and tune around. He some how didn't see my glance, lucky me. He knew I was there though, for he crept towards me, almost silently. He stopped right in front of me, just...watching. Then...he picked me up. I, of course, flinched, but pretended to be asleep, not able to stop the shaking. Fear and the freezing cold didn't help. Jerome sighed slightly, holding me close to his chest. He walked to the bed thing and laid me down. He curled around me, holding me against his chest. I moved closer to him, only because he was warm and I was FREEZING. He let out a small purr like noise and laid his head next to mine. Maybe he's not that bad....

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