The Great Escape: Prologue

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            I just have one question; why? Why us, why now? Why? I pushed the arm of my mother who lay lifeless on the floor. “Mommy…” I said. She didn’t move. I pushed her arm again, this time harder. “Mommy” I said again. She still didn’t move. I got up and ran down the hall to my brother Anthony’s room. “Anthony, something is wrong with mommy.” I told him. Anthony got up from his desk and came over to me. “What’s wrong?” Anthony asked. “Mommy won't answer me.” I said.

            Anthony took my hand and I led him into the kitchen where I found her. I poked my mom’s arm again and she still didn’t move. “Oh my God…” Anthony said. “Anthony, what's wrong?” I asked. Anthony bent down next to me and looked me in the eyes. He pulled me into a hug and began to cry. “Anthony, what's wrong with mommy?” I asked. “Nicole, I want you to go to my room and lock the door. Don’t come out until I tell you to and don’t let anyone else in.”

            “Why?” I asked. “Don’t worry about why just go to it.” Anthony said. I looked up at Anthony; he looked just as scared as I was confused. I ran down the hall to Anthony’s room and I shut and locked the door. I sat on his bed and held tightly onto my teddy bear. After a few minutes I heard screaming and yelling and I wasn’t sure what was going on. I got up and went to the door and I head my dad yelling at Anthony.

            Glass shattered and I heard footsteps running down the hallway. Everything was quiet for a few minutes and then there was a knock on the door. “Nicole, open up, it’s me, Anthony.” I carefully reached for the doorknob and opened up the door. Anthony walked in holding a paper towel to his nose, blood dripping down his hand. “Anthony, what happened?” I asked. Anthony shut and locked the door and sat down on his bed. He patted the spot next to him and I climbed up beside him.

            “Nicole…” Anthony began. “Do you remember what happened to Aunt Laura?” Anthony asked. I nodded. “Uncle George used to hurt her, that’s what mommy told me. She said that nobody knew why he did it, he just like to.” Anthony nodded. “Dad is like Uncle George.” Anthony said. “Daddy wouldn’t hurt anyone.” I said. “Daddy loves us.” “Dad loves alcohol, Nicole. When he drinks he gets violent and earlier tonight…” Anthony stopped talking.

            A tear rolled down his cheek and he sighed. “Nicole, earlier tonight dad beat mom and he ended up killing her. Mom isn’t alive anymore.” I started crying and Anthony held me tightly. I didn’t want to believe him. I wanted it all to be a dream. “Why?” I asked, hoping he knew the answer. Anthony always knew the answer to everything. “I don’t know, Nicole.” Anthony said. He sighed again and hugged me tightly. “I don’t know.”

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