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Avi's POV
I've been noticing Mitch and Kirstie getting comfortable lately. And a little too comfortable. They're inseparable. Go ahead, call me a jealous boyfriend. I'm just worried that she doesn't love me as much anymore. I'm worried she's moving onto Mitch, like she did with Jeremy... And all of the other guys she's been with. You saw this coming Avi. You knew. Yes I knew. I knew damn well this would happen. Sometimes love would just get in the way of that. But this is Mitch. I mean c'mon, Mitch was definitely no threat, especially considering that he was one of my best friends. But, he definitely had some competition on me. It's those stupid dimples. And that stupid smile. And that stupid flawless face in general. Sorry Mitch.

"Avi c'mon!" Kirstie said excitedly, pulling me to class. When we got there we got yet again swarmed by popular kids.

"Hey yo green haired boy!" One of them called, "you look like a fuckboy. Stay away from girls like Kirstie!" Ms. Westin looked up suddenly with a stern look on her face.

"No swearing boys and girls!" She said sharply, before going back to what she was doing. Scott walked in behind me and scoffed.

"Can't swear huh? I can work with this." He than thought and stepped forward to face the popular group. "Shut up you maggot, because I'm sick of your stupidity." The populars all rolled their eyes before muttering rude remarks and walking away. Everyone in our group broke out laughing, Mitch luckily was able to catch his breath to say something.

"That was ice cold!" He said smirking. We then all went to sit down while Scott and Mitch began talking about some orbit gum commercial, and the only thing I could think about was what Kirstie saw in Mitch that she didn't see in me. Was it looks? Most likely. Every girl drools over him, even with his blue hair and tattoos. Was it personality? It couldn't be. Mitch was too outgoing for Kirstie and seemed a little too dangerous as well. Kirstie looks for personality more then looks so I just can't wrap my head around this situation. You're not good enough Avi. That's why. I sighed and dropped the thought. I was not going to let something stupid like that get in the way of my day.

Kirstie's POV
Mitch and I were assigned a project together and I was kind of excited. I mean he's a great guy, he has a great personality... It's just the fact that I have a boyfriend that's getting in the way. And that boyfriend kind of loves you Kirstie. I felt bad. I felt bad because everything was just fine until we went to that club and got wasted. But of course now I have to start developing feelings for someone else when I know I'm with someone I love.

"Hey Kirst," Mitch said as we walked to the cafeteria, "I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my house... You know because of our project," he trailed off and blushed. I smiled.

"Sure why not. Plus we're kind of behind and I want to do something right this year." We both laughed and Mitch nodded. As soon as we reached the cafeteria, I noticed that the gang was missing. And Avi always stuck with me if the gang went ahead of us. But no, Mitch stayed. Not Avi. I think Avi knows what's going on in my head. He always has. He's always been there for me. And most importantly, he's seen what happens when I fall for guys. Give up Kirstie he knows. I gulped and saw Avi.

"Hey Kirst," Avi said plainly as I sat down next to him. I smiled hoping he would smile back, but he didn't. So I wanted to try something.

"Remember what happened in class? That was pretty funny." Avi finally smiled and I felt relieved. He knows me, and I know him.

"Yeah Scott has a good sense of humour," Avi said with a nod, "hey are you available tonight? I was thinking we could hang out and maybe go around town," I felt guilty all of the sudden. Mitch was right there, staring at me, waiting to see what my answer would be.

"I can't tonight. I'm hanging out with a friend," hopefully he understood. It's only a project anyways. He just nodded and shrugged. He then packed his lunch and when he stood up he faced me.

"Next time then. See you in class!" He then kissed me and walked away. Mitch raised his eyebrow at me.

"What was that about? Why couldn't you just say it was me?" I sighed. I knew where this was going.

"Avi gets jealous. And when he finds out I'm hanging out with another guy he flips. It's really nothing though," Mitch nodded.

"Okay. Well we better get to class. Meet me at the front doors, make sure you're early so we don't get caught by the popular group," I nodded, grabbed my lunch, and headed off to class. And the rest of the day seemed to drag on.

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