Chapter One

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Author's note: For one I don't own Spartacus or any variations of it. Second, I did publish this fanfiction on another website. This was one of my first fanfictions so it will be a tad rough. Either way please enjoy!

The rhythmic beats of the music seemed to bounce back from the crowd. Men and women danced to the music as if it was something natural for them. For all I knew it probably was. The rotating strobe lights of red, green, yellow, blue, clear, and orange colored the people on the dance floor. The faces of people I couldn't see, but I could see familiar bodies.

I continued to stare crowd trying to find someone to spend the rest of the night with. I hadn't had a problem finding someone before. Now it just seems like one of those nights when all of the people that I had been in relationships with were here.

I wouldn't describe myself as being fickle or being a slut, rather just trying to find love in all the wrong places. No, not even that. I have been labeled as the "one week squeeze." I am the guy to go for a one week relationship without any possibility of having repercussions. As unfortunate as it is for me I suppose being the person that people go to for some kind form of help is better than just doing it for my own pleasure.

"Any luck?" I looked to my left and saw Spartacus standing close to me with his usual serious face. Growing up together in the same orphanage, we were thick as thieves. As we grew up, never being adopted, we made friends with other children in the orphanage. One of them being Crixus, a real idiot in my opinion. I smiled remembering the time he fell head over heels for a waitress at Red Lobster. He constantly embarrassed himself trying to date her.

"Are you just going to ignore me?" I blinked three times realizing I hadn't answered Spartacus. Not that it would have been a good answer. He looked at me with both an annoyed and questioning stare.

I shook my head, "No, I think we need to choose a new place to hit, one that does not know the rumors surrounding us or doesn't have the same people we've been with before." I told him, not bothering to try to complete with the music as it got louder to match the hype in the club. He nodded seeming to understand what I was saying. He turned and started asking the bartender for a drink. I faced the crowd of dancing people. Their bodies were still able to move to the rhythmic beats of the music.

"Can I get you a drink?" I looked to my right and saw a woman standing next to me. She smiled playfully. Her curly blonde hair fell loose around her beautiful face. She wore a black dress that barely went down her small thighs.

Instantly I knew she had been watching me for a while. Say yes big boy, oh just say yes. I stared down at her and took in a breath. Her face melted into something less confident. Oh God, he's gay. Trina told me he went both ways and he's going to reject me because I'm not the best looking woman here and there are plenty of good-looking men here. But gosh darn it, he's the best one here and I need him!

"Ha!" I exclaimed causing her to almost fall back. I smiled at her, "Yes, but I would rather buy you a drink." I replied. She was still overcome with shock when she nodded her head. I looked at Spartacus. With his drink in hand, he grinned at me. Well I guess I won't be alone too long. "My name is Agron." I said as I turned my body to her. She caught her breath and her eyes looked me over twice. She recovered and smiled, "My name is Chadara." Oh God he's bigger than I thought and better from a front view!

I smiled. I've had an ability since I was born, it's the ability to read the heart and minds of people. When I was younger, I used it for malicious reasons, reading people's minds to know their pin numbers and such. Yet as I grew older, I began to use it for more beneficial reasons that do not always have money as the intention. Now it is something that only burdens me. It leaves nothing for me to know, but I've come to terms with that.

Just One Week (Boyxboy) *Nagron Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now