Zodiac Signs As The Doctors

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(Their first TV appearance, so that means I took the date of the first time each doctor officially appeared on TV, and matching it to a Zodiac, so that is why some Zodiacs have none and some have a lot of Doctors... actually this sounds really complicated now I write it down... just skip ahead to the chapter where I did it properly... :/   )

Aries - 5th Doctor

Taurus - None

Gemini - 4th Doctor, 8th Doctor, 10th Doctor

Cancer - None

Leo - None

Virgo - 7th Doctor

Libra - None

Scorpio - 2nd Doctor

Sagittarius - 1st Doctor

Capricorn - 3rd Doctor, 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor

Aquarius - None

Pisces - 6th Doctor

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