02 | secrets

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It was absolutely fun being alone at home, with my best friend, as we both hangout, bake some delicious pastries, and watch the whole series of Home Alone for the upcoming holidays. We made a bit of a mess, but eventually we fixed it.

Shawn and Ian got home an hour after we finished watching Home Alone, which was around 7 pm. Me and Leah are STILL wide awake, due to how much sugary goodness we ate.

"Uh, so guys, how was the 'double date'?" I questioned, as I played with my fingers. "It was wonderful," Shawn happily affirmed. Pretty sure Lauren thought the same! "That's good!..." I faked a smile. The only reason why I faked a smile because I dislike Lauren. No, I'm not jealous. She's a problematic human being. That's why. Look, I'm not being rude, but it's true. No one likes her, really.

But let's not get to that story yet.

"Shawn can't stop smiling like a damn idiot because him and Lauren are now official," Ian spoke in a baby tone, while teasing him.

Well shit. I wish you much luck in your relationship with Lauren. She's a keeper!

Oh, the sarcasm.

"Oh, official eh? I'm happy for you," I smiled, with happiness. Well, I am happy for Shawn. He's my friend, and seeing a friend happy makes me happy. Even though your friend has a problematic soulmate.

"Thank you," Shawn showed a joyful grin. "Well, I should get going now guys. I don't wanna miss dinner with my family." He turns around and looks at me. "It was nice seeing you again!" Shawn gives me a tight, cozy hug and smiles happily. I enjoyed that, quite a bit. "And bye Leah, nice meeting you," They both give each other a side hug, and lastly, Ian and Shawn said their goodbyes and did their 'bro hug'. I always wonder why a bro hug exists, but not a sis hug. Hm..

Shawn left after we all said our goodbyes, and that's when Ian went straight to locking himself in his room. My mom is gone for a getaway with her homegirls, so it's just us 3 in this cozy house of ours.

"So... Did you enjoy that long, tight, amazing, hug you got from him?" Leah gave a slight smirk and nudged my arm. Oh please, if he were to be Justin Bieber, hell yes. But yeah, sure, I guess. "Leah, you're making it seem like I enjoy each and every little thing he does. Like whenever he breathes, I'll be like, 'Oh my gosh, that was incredible. Do it again!' " I sarcastically spoke.

"Okay, maybe, BUT, I have this slight feeling you actually like this guy. But I totally understand," Leah nods her head and gives me the "it's okay" look.

"No.. No, I-I don't," I shook my head. "You're crazy." Leah is insanely out of her mind.

I haven't told her each and every detail about me and Shawn in the past. You see, like I said, when I was younger, I was in 6th and Shawn was an 8th grader. Well, you see, I had and still have a 'thing' for older men... I was currently crushing on him at that time, but I never told anyone because I knew he was my brother's best friend, and I know Ian would obviously tell Shawn. I just thought he was really sweet and kind, unlike any other boy at middle school. I've held this secret inside of me for a while now, but I'm gonna have to tell Leah anytime soon.

"I'm just making a guess. I know when you like someone, Mal. When you like someone, you play with your fingers when the person you like is next to you. Or is talking to you. Or whenever your crush is like 10 feet away from you. AND GUESS WHAT, YOU WERE PLAYING WITH YOUR FINGERS WHEN YOU WERE WITH SHAWN... Sorry, I'm just insanely hyper at this moment. I ate too much sugary goodness. Too much. But Mal, I'm being serious. If you ever have some secret, it can be some dumb secret or a secret that is deeper than the steepest hill, tell me. I don't care," Leah speaks in a serious-like tone.

I gulped. "Leah, again, you're crazy."

She is making me super nervous. It almost feels like I'm about to spill the beans. And I don't want to spill the beans. I wanna keep my beans and make it stay inside of me until I'm officially ready to spill it. But am I ready?... I am not so sure.

"I'm sorry if I'm making you nervous," Leah pats my shoulder. "I was just curious to know if you liked him or not. I mean, of course you do, but not LIKE THAT."

I slightly grinned, and nodded slowly.

I can't spill this secret, I can't. I don't want things going out of hand. This secret can't be spilled, just yet..


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