08 | wildest dreams

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It's currently 12 in the morning, and I just can't stop thinking about the rumors Lauren made, and about Shawn.

I cannot believe he would actually believe all the shit Lauren makes up. So pathetic of her.

Me knowing there's a possibility of Shawn being angry at me just makes me upset, because he's my friend... Hm, I think I just friendzoned him.

But seriously, he's my friend, and knowing my friend is possibly mad at me for whatever Lauren said, just makes me realize how terrible of a friend I am. I mean, of course Shawn would care if his ex has been receiving death threats from someone. But, Lauren shouldn't have lied about that. Never lie about anyone sending you death threats, ever. That's definitely something an attention seeker would crawl up to.

It's verily difficult to sleep, when there's a tremendous amount of thoughts going off in your mind... I just wish all of this was over. I wish Lauren can realize the trouble she's caused. And I wish Shawn can realize how much of a liar she is. There is just SO much things going on in my mind...


"Hey..." I hear a voice, as I gradually wake up.

"Hm?..." I rub my eyes.

"It's Shawn. We need to talk..."

What's he doing here?...

I fully awaken, and get out of my bed.

"What do you need to talk about?..." I questioned, curiously.

"Us," Shawn spoke, clear and serious.

"What about us?..." I confusingly ask. What's he talking about? What does Shawn mean by "us"?

I'm so confused.

"Look... I'm sorry if I was ever a douche to you. I should have believed Laur. I really should have. I know you would NEVER do such a thing. You're too kind and sweet..." Shawn sits on my bed, and grins at me.

"Thanks... And thank you for realizing," I smiled slightly, and looked down. "But you being upset with me just made me feel like such a terrible friend..." I sighed.

Shawn then put his fingers underneath my chin, and made me face towards him.


"Mal, don't say that. You're an amazing friend..." Shawn grinned joyfully.

"Thank you... Same with you," I responded back.

Shawn smiled widely, and then all of sudden leaned in, slowly. Oh my. What's going on...

I catch myself leaning in, and then we officially kiss-


I wake up, and rub my eyes.

THAT was just a dream? If felt so... Real.

I can't believe that just happened. It felt insanely real. Wow.

It's a Saturday, and I don't know why my alarmed went off, so I don't get up.

"MORNING!" I hear Leah yell out, as I see her  sitting on the floor, leaning on my closet.

I slowly rub my eyes, and full awaken.

"The princess has awaken," Leah speaks royally, in a British accent.

"How'd you even get here?..." I questioned, as I rubbed my eyes once more.

"All I did was was knock on your front yard and then Shawn opened the door!..." She chuckled as she shook her head. "Oh yeah, Shawn's here. He's an early bird!"

True that...

"So anyways, guess what's comin..." She asks, excitedly as she smiled like an idiot.

"CHRISTMAS!" I yelled out in joy. I LOVE Christmas. It's absolutely my favorite holiday.

"YES!" Leah shouts out. Is she hyper? Or...

So, today, apparently, my family and I will be going to Pier 39... And for anyone who is wondering, "What's Pier 39?..." Well, it's a shopping center in San Francisco which is also a quite popular tourist area. And it's called Pier 39 because obviously, it's built on a pier. It's a pretty rad area, which has a donut place that sells DELICIOUS donuts. Yum.

Anyways, today,  I have to deal with a teenage boy who always ignores me. Like, what is his deal? Feels like I exasperate his presence. I'm human too, you know. I just hope he comprehends the way I feel about Laur. And I just hope he believes in me.


"There's a surprise for the both of you!" My mom excitedly spoke to both me and Ian, as she did a little happy dance. Oh mother... You may be weird and all that, but I still fucking love you no matter what. Anyways, I am very curious to have this surprise unleashed. I have a love and hate relationship with surprises... I'm such an impatient person.  So impatient.

"Cool! I can't wait to see what it is... Or who..." Ian spoke, as he gave a mysterious look.

I see Shawn glance at me, from the couch, and I slightly roll my eyes. If you're going to act like a douche towards me, here's payback.

My mom was close to speaking, but the doorbell interrupted her.

"Mal, can you go get that please?..." My mother asked, with such politeness and innocence.

I get up from the high chair, as I put my phone down on the counter, and walk towards the front door.

I open it, and there I see, my brother standing there, rich in front of me. I haven't seen him in SO long.

"Geoff! Oh my gosh..." I give my brother a humungous hug. "Mal... You're so grown!" He speaks happily. I am SO glad my brother is finally here. I haven't seen him in so long...

"Surprise!" My mom shouted, with glee. "Hey! Geoff!" Ian gets up from the couch and gives Geoff a big hug. Awh, my two annoying brothers.

I remember one time the both of them kept bugging me when mom wasn't home, and at that time, I was extremely furious,  so I literally threw my books at them. It was funny at first, but Ian actually got a horrible bruise so I felt guilty and obviously apologized. To this day, I still feel bad yet still find it absolutely hilarious.

"Oh, um, hey, I'm Shawn, nice to meet you," Shawn spoke, as he shook hands with Geoff. "I'm Geoff," He grins. "I've heard a lot about ya!"

Yeah. He likes to ignore people. For example,  M-E, ME.

"Anyways, we should start heading to Pier 39 soon!" My mom quickly runs upstairs, to grab her back. She immediately comes right back downstairs, as she holds her Nike shoes and slips it right on. Haha... I got her those shoes for her birthday... It's Tiffany blue which is her FAVORITE color.

So, when we all got settled, we all headed straight to my mom's van. Geoff sat in passenger seat, of course, while Shawn HAD to sit in the middle. Why couldn't Ian be in the middle... Why...

I slowly, and slightly, scoot away from Shawn, and look out the window.

You know, being with Shawn just makes me remember each and every detail about my dream I had last night. My wild dream.

My wildest dream.

But anyways, pray for me. Because today will be a long ass day... With Shawn.


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