Chapter 1

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My final day

Today is my birthday. Though I am the only one that remembers other than the cook who was nice and gave me extra for breakfast. She is my only friend here. The two of us have been saving whatever we can to help get me out of here once I am 18 so I can buy a flat. Hopefully I finally have enough to move out. I hate this hell hole.

At the end of the day during my chores the cook slipped me something in my pants. I looked inside and saw 3 grand in an envelope. I had only gotten half of that! I finally had enough to leave. So I packed my stuff, said my goodbyes and left by telling the woman who owns the orphanage that she is an arse. It is the best day I have had in a long time.

I stayed in a hotel for the night so I could find a flat in the morning. The people in the room over were being loud so I did what any smart person would do. I yelled for them to shut up until they did. It was a pretty effective plan in my mind. That is, until they knocked on my door to annoy me. I opened the door to see 5 handsome guys standing there. I didn't know exactly who they were but they looked familiar and I wanted to find out more.

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