Chapter 6

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Amanda's POV

Today is my first day of work and I'm not going to lie I was very nervous. I'm not even sure how I managed to get the job in the first place but I somehow did. I walked in and was greeted by a man who I assumed worked there. He came over to me and introduced himself as Matt. Matt seemed cool. He was the one going to teach me how to work everything.

He first started with the cash register cause that's where I would mainly be until I get the hang of all the coffee machines. (Just like to clarify she doesn't work at Starbucks..she works somewhere else.) The cash register was pretty easy to learn. I've always been pretty good with numbers so it shouldn't be a problem. Then he brought me over to the machines and they weren't too hard to figure out once I understood them but I still don't want to go near them for a while. After that the day went pretty quick. I got to know Matt better and he told me about all the cool places. He even walked me home which is cool. I can see us being friends. I quickly fell asleep thinking about Matt and the boys. I wonder what they are doing?

Zayn's POV

We've been without Amanda for only a day and we all seem different. She was someone who knew us for US not One Direction and that was really cool. Plus she's American and that's awesome. So far we have had one TV interview and a radio one. Nobody could tell if they looked at us but something was off and we all knew it. We all continued to slump around until Niall and Paul came in the room.

Niall told us the he is having knee surgery. At first we were all confused cause we knew this but then a huge smile broke upon his face. He said the words we have all been praying to hear.

"We're going back to America boys"

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