Chapter 1

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A/n: Hello! This is my new Story: Family Problems!

Hope you really enjoy it!



(Kai's pov)

''What are you doing!? I told you to clean up!''

I woke up by the sudden scream and fighting. I sat myself up and rubbed my tired eyes.

It was the same story every day. Dad would sit up the whole night drinking. Then mom woke up early in the night and started to yell at him. Then I would wake up and hear their fighting. Sometimes it ended after a while, but sometimes their fighting could be the whole night. Mom always had some bruises on her face In the mornings and dad lay in bed sleeping.

I sighed as I laid myself on my bed again. It would be a long night..

I woke up. My eyes felt heavy and dry. It was hard to look. I pushed myself up from my bed. I took my clothes I had put on my desk the previous day and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My eyes was red, probably because I didn't get to sleep at night. I walked into the shower, dried my hair and got my usual clothes on. In other words, my school uniform. I walked down to the kitchen.


Mom looked up at me. Her eyes was red. She looked exhausted.

''Morning honey'' she said and tried to smile. I smile back and took my seat at the table. I poured some cereals into a bowl and pour yogurt over.

''I will be out late at work today, so you don't have to worry making dinner for me. I'll take something when I get home.'' she said looking at her phone.

''Kay.'' I yawned. She looked at me surprised. She didn't expect a yawn from me this late in the morning. But she soon realized. A shadow fell over her.

''How much did you hear?'' She asked. Her voice sounded a bit shaky. I didn't want to worry her, but I didn't want to lie either. I had to tell her the truth.


She looked back at me with those cold eyes, as if she wanted to kill someone.. Then her eyes got full of tears. She cried.

''I'm so very sorry, Toshiki..''

I walked to her and gave her a hug. She hugged me back. When she let go I walked back to my chair. She took a piece of paper and wiped away her tears.

''I promise you, as quick I have money I will make sure you and I move away from here. From him''. She said while wiping away the tears. Then she looked at me with serious eyes.

I felt myself stiffen. Did she say.. move away..?

A/n: there you have it! First chapter!

If I'm going to tell you the truth. I did write this story in a plain document (as all other stories) the only thing is that i wrote this one without chapters!! So it will take a while and a smart brain to fix it up. So I had to change a bit in the end, but it is still the same.

See ya


Kai's family problemsWhere stories live. Discover now