Chapter 15

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Previous chap:

''You have two options..'' she said. She still held onto his hands. ''The first option you have is to run.. yes, run like you ever have done and live, or..''


Kai was getting impatient. He didn't want to waste 10 ryo like that if I just was for crap.

''Your second option is..'' she stopped middle sentence. She looked concerned. She opened her eyes. They were filled with tears. She let go of Kai's hands. It was no joke, this was real.

''Boy, you have a terrible fate restored for you'' she said and looked Kai straight in his eyes. Kai got a feeling it was not something that would end happily at all. Something really bad.

''Your second option is to step in and...'' she couldn't even finish the sentence. ''and.. y-you..'' she tried but she couldn't get the words to come out.

''I'm very sorry'' she said and ran away from her sphere. Kai just stood there. He looked at the woman. Soon, she was out of sight. Kai looked at the sphere.

Suddenly, he saw something move in it. He looked closer. He could reveal two figures lying in two beds almost lifeless. The first one he saw was a woman in mother age. She had bandages around her arms and a patch on her throat. He couldn't see anything more on her body. She had a blanket over the rest of her body, leaving only her arms and head in sight.

Kai looked at the other body. He couldn't see so much. It was kind of blurry. The picture vanished more and more until the sphere was dark.

This must be someone else's fate. Kai thought to himself. He walked away from the fortune tellers stand. He walked back the way he had walked on previous and came up at the card shop he had left a while ago. Miwa, Izaki and Morikawa wasn't in there anymore. They was probably out looking for him. Kai looked at the big clock tower in the middle of the shop center. It was 1. Lunch time.


He looked to the left and saw Miwa, Izaki and Morikawa running towards him. They all looked concerned,

''Were you've been?'' Miwa asked him. ''We've been looking everywhere for you since you left the card shop.''

''You knew?'' Kai asked his concerned friend.

''Of course. What kind of friend would I've been if I didn't know'' Miwa said in relief.

''So, where have you been?'' Izaki repeated Miwa's question.

''At a fortune teller.'' Kai answered ''Though, I don't know what her deal was. She kind of just ran away.'' he said looking down wonder what that all was about. ''Let's just say this, I wasted 10 ryo for that. Probably not my best day huh.''

''Why did she ran away?'' Miwa asked.

''I don't know, she just did.'' Kai answered. He scratched the back of his head and looked up from the floor.

''Why did you walk away in the first place?'' Morikawa said.

Kai looked at Miwa who giggled. He sighed. ''You don't want to know that, do you?'' Kai said.

''What do you..'' Kai death glared at Morikawa. He got an dark aura around him. Morikawa shuttered and hide behind Izaki, scared to death. Kai laughed on the inside but he didn't show it. He had a little smirk on his face out of sight for the others. It was just too hilarious.

''Why don't we go to thee others?'' Izaki suggested. Miwa and Morikawa nodded. Kai just looked at him with his cool attitude because of Morikawa. But he was still laughing on the inside.


A/n: the end!

There you have it, chapter 15!

I hope you enjoyed it!

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