Chapter 20

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A/n: hello ^^

This is the new chapter!

I hope it pleases you all!


(Kai's pov)

[In the mean time while Kai's parents fought]

Damn! Damn it all!

My hands were bloody from the door punching but that didn't stop me.

''Let me out!''

All I heard, or rather all I could hear was some loud banging and other sounds which sounded like someone hit the floor.. MOM! I gotta do something before she gets killed!

I searched my pockets, for anything that could help me. I felt something in my right pocket. It was my... cellphone! God, thank you!

I typed my password and searched for any signal. This was a small room, but it gotta have at least enough connection. I found it in the back of the room. Yes! I quickly dialed 911 and I listened as the dailing sound came.

''Come on, pick up, pick up!''

''Hello, this is 911. What is your emergency?'' asked a voice of a woman. I sighed in relief but I quickly turned back to talk with the woman.

''My dad is abussing me and my mother. If I don't do anything she will get k..''

''Don't worry boy..'' she cut me off. ''We'll send the police. Can you tell me your location?'' she continued.

''Um, Hitsue City, street Longstone, house number 23 to the right.'' I said.

''Hitsue City, Longstreet, house number 23 to the right?'' she copied me.

''Yes.'' I said quickly. ''Please hurry..'' I said and we hung up. I suddenly heard a scream from outdoor and I knew that scream. It was mom! I ran back to the door. I tried to break up the lock but I didn't have any tool to do it with. I tried to kick up the door but it didn't work!

Argh! what is it with doors suddenly being so strong!?

The only thing left I could try was to run into the door with my whole body. I tried one time, two times and the third time, the door broke and I staggered three steps. I got my balance back and I looked up to my parents. What I saw made my whole body froze. My dad held my mother by her throat as blood drops made their way down to the floor.

I clenched my fists and made up my mind. I won't let him hurt mother anymore. Not now and never more.

I ran towards my dad and jumped on his back. He screamed in surprise and released his grip on mom's throat. She fell helpless too the floor. She looked at me before her eyes closed.

Dad threw me of himself and throw me at the floor. But a little scratch didn't take me down. I stood up and looked at him, both of our eyes filled with what seemed like pure anger and hatred.


A/n: the end!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one!


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