Chapter 6

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A/n: here is chapter 6!

Hope you like it!

And.. enjoy!


(Kai's mothers pov)

I walked inside my house. But as quick I opened the door I could feel the horrible stench of beer. I took of my shoes and laid down my bag on the floor. I walked to the kitchen and I got surprise to not see any dishes. Maybe Toshiki took everything after he ate? Its not like my husband would do. I walked to the TV room and saw my ''husband'' and his friends.

''Where is Toshiki?'' I asked him. He looked at me confused. I could see how drunk he was. But then he got a smirk on his face. ''In his room''. I sighed and walked upstairs. I walked to Toshiki's room.

''Toshiki, you in there?'' I knocked on his door. It took a while before he opened the door. As quick I saw him I knew something was wrong.

''Can I come in?'' He nodded and stepped aside. I walked in and he closed the door behind me. I noticed he locked it too.

''Is something wrong?'' He asked. He sat beside me on his bed and looked at the floor. 

''Didn't you cock anything to dinner?'' I asked as I looked at the floor too.

''I was out with my friends until late, so I didn't cook anything'' he said. I laid my hand on his shoulder. But as quick I did he groaned. I heard in his voice, he was in pain. I quickly took away my hand and soon I noticed something. I saw a medicine box, front-picked and laid on the floor under the desk. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Toshiki. I saw a tear in his eye.

''Take of your blazer''. He looks up at me and shakes his head. But I knew he tried to hide something.

''Now Toshiki'' I demanded. He sighed and took off his blue blazer. He pulled down a little bit on his shirt and showed his shoulder. I almost dropped my head when I saw Kai's swollen red shoulder.

''Who did this to you?''. Toshiki sighed and took a deep breath.


What? Did he just say dad? Did my husband do this to his own son! I can't let this go on any more! I took up a bandage from the medical box and wrapped up his shoulder.

''There. You have to be careful with that shoulder. If you are not careful you may sprain it''. Toshiki nodded and pulled up his shirt again. I walked to the door and opened it. I looked back at my son and I smiled to him. He smiled back. I walked out and closed his door. I leaned my back against his door and I felt myself be teary-eyed. Now, it was time I did something. I sighed and walked downstairs, to my ex- husband. Now it was time I did something for my son's safety and of course my own.


A/n: the end!!

I hope you like to read my story!

Next chapter will be released very soon!


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