Chapter 12

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A/n: Sorry I haven't updated this one for a while. I wanted to finish ''Taking Care of Kai'' first and then i began a new story.

But anyway, I hope you enjoy this one!


(Miwa's pov)

Everyone laughed at Morikawa. His entire face was red. He was totally embarrassed. I turned my head to Kai. He didn't even bother. He just looked out trough the window. Wait, what's that? Is it just me, or is Kai smiling? It must be my imagination. But no. He really is smiling!

''Hey Kai..''

Beep beep.

Kai looked confused around. Then he finally noticed something. He dug into his pocket and took out his phone. Suddenly Kai's expression changed from happy to, almost scared. he putted it down without answer the text. He laid his head in his left hand and starred out through the window again. I wonder who it was? A family member? No it couldn't be. Kai have told me his parents died few years ago. Who else could it be..?

''Who was it?'' I whispered.

''A related to me.'' He murmured without looking at me. But I knew he lied. If it was anything Kai sucked at, it was at lie. Especially to me. But I pretended like I was okay with his answer. But If I know Kai, he knows what I am thinking.

Beep beep.

The beeping came again. Kai took out his phone from his pocket and read the text. But he didn't look as scared as last time. More like relieved. It must be another person. He typed back and putted the phone back into his pocket. He saw me staring at him but he looked out of the window again.

(3:d person pov)

After three hours the train finally stopped. Kai and the others walked out of the train.

''Finally here!'' Morikawa screamed as loud as his voice let him. All the others around starred at him. Izaki hushed him.

''What did I do?'' He asked. Kai rolled his eyes at annoyance. Miwa saw this and took the opportunity to giggle at him. Kai death glared Miwa but he didn't care. It was way too fun.

''Alright gang, time to go or else we won't have much time left to shop.'' Shin said without knowing Morikawa's idiotic and Kai's annoyance. They all began to walk to the shop center.


A/n: and the end!

I hope you enjoyed it!


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