1. A Chance Meeting

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Vi's POV

Lights out,

I still hear the rain

These images that fill my head,

Now keep my fingers from making mistakes

My small fingers gently ran over the strings of my guitar, as my voice flew out into the warm, Australian breeze. I was sitting on the grass, near a peaceful, little river, in a park I had just found. It was the summer before my sophomore year of high school, and my family and I had left our quiet hometown of Farmington Hills, Michigan, to visit my cousins out in Sydney. My cousins and I had a significant age gap between us, and I was finding this visit rather boring, so naturally I decided to go explore the city. Somehow, I wound up in a random park with my guitar.

I stood up, stretching my short legs, and packed up my guitar. The sun was just beginning to set behind the trees and I decided it was time to head back to my cousins' house. After all, I had no idea where I was at the moment. Thoughts of what I was going to do tomorrow made their way into my head, as I started towards the park entrance. Entertaining myself was going to be harder than I thought. Just two more weeks, and you can go home, I kept telling myself. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of footsteps running towards me. The next thing I know, I'm lying flat on the ground, with four teenage boys piled on top of me.

Luke's POV

Oh shit. I looked down to see a girl about my age, sprawled out on the ground underneath my body. Her chocolate brown eyes were round and shining with fear, as she tried to force herself up, but the fact that my friends Calum, Ashton and Michael were also on top of her, made it impossible. We weren't exactly the lightest bunch.

I quickly got off of her, and offered her my hand so she could lift herself up. She reluctantly accepted my gesture and let me pull her up. "Thanks," she mumbled. "Sorry about that," Ashton said while laughing. "We can be extremely clumsy sometimes." "It's ok," she replied, a small smile tugging at her lips. She was just about to turn around and leave, when I realized that she left her guitar case on the ground. "Wait!" I said as I picked it up. "You left this." She let out a sigh of relief as she took it from my hand. "Thanks so much. I don't know what I would've done if I had lost it," she said. "No problem. I'd feel the same way. My guitar is my life," I exclaimed. "Mine too," she said smiling.

"I'm Luke, and this is Calum, Michael and Ashton," I said as I introduced myself and my best friends. They all smiled back at her. "I'm Violet, but everyone calls me Vi," she replied. "It's nice to meet you, Vi," Calum said. "You're not from around here are you?" Michael asked. "Nope. I'm from Michigan, in America," she replied. "I'm visiting my cousins here in Sydney for the next two weeks." "Well that explains the accent," Ashton said cheekily. We all laughed. "Hey, do you want to meet us here tomorrow?" I asked. "We could jam." "That's sounds great!" she exclaimed excitedly. "My cousins' house isn't the most exciting place to be." "Alright, see you tomorrow then," I said. "Is 2 pm okay?" "Yup, see ya," she said as she turned around and walked away.

Vi's POV

My eyes slowly opened, only to be met with the blinding sun. I instantly closed them again, and reached out my hand, feeling the surface of my dresser for my phone. Once it was found, I scanned the screen for the time. 9:18 am. I had so much time to kill before I was supposed to meet with Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael. They seemed like really nice guys, and they were passionate about music, just like I was. Maybe this vacation wouldn't be so bad after all.

I spent the entire morning reading and just being lazy. At around 1:00, I changed into my gray Beatles shirt, red high waisted shorts and my black combat boots. I threw my thick, dark brown hair into a fishtail braid and put on my assortment of bracelets, which I never left the house without wearing. I grabbed my phone, sunglasses and guitar before leaving my cousins' house, not worrying about wearing any makeup. I hated wearing makeup and avoided it as much as I could. Why cover up your natural beauty? Retracing the steps that I took last night, I found my way back to the park.

The boys were already there when I reached the spot where we had our little incident yesterday. All four of them looked up and gave me warm smiles when they saw me. "Hey guys," I greeted them as I sat down next to them on the soft grass. "Hey Vi," Michael replied. "What are you guys up to?" I asked them. "We were just playing around with our guitars," Luke answered. "Yeah, join in," Ashton added. We spent the rest of the afternoon just singing random songs and fooling around. They were all so talented, and had incredible voices. I found out so much about the boys, like that Luke has a cute obsession with penguins, Calum is half Scottish and half Kiwi, Ashton plays drums, and that Michael can't live without pizza. I told them about myself as well, like how I'm Cuban, and that I love photography, drawing, reading, dancing, tennis and music. We all became fast friends and exchanged phone numbers as well. It was the most fun I've had since arriving in Australia.

Later that night...

I was curled up in bed, reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower for the 14th time, when my phone started to vibrate against my leg. It was a call from Ashton. "Hey Ash!" I said. "Hey Vi, just got bored and decided to talk to someone." "That someone being me?" I laughed. I heard a loud bang in the background and someone screaming, "CALUUUUM!" "Let me guess? The rest of the boys are over aren't they?" I said smiling. "Haha yup! Let me put you on speaker," he replied. "Hey Viiiii!" the other three boys yelled into the phone. "Hey guys, what's up?" I said. "Nothing, just writing a new song," Luke responded. "I didn't know you guys wrote your own songs," I said. "Yeah, we're starting our own band, and well this is kinda our first song," Michael said laughing. "Wow! That's so cool! I can help if you want," I exclaimed. "That would be great!" Calum said.

The next 2 hours were spent penning lyrics and arranging the guitar and drum parts for the song, all done over the phone, if I might add. Before we knew it, we had completed the song, and it sounded amazing. "OMG guys, the song sounds awesome! You guys are going to be a great band!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Thanks Vi, but we couldn't have written it without you!" Luke said. "Yeah Vi, you're really creative," Ashton added. "Aw, no need to thank me. I love helping my friends," I said. "Woah guys, greatest idea ever! How about Vi joins the band?" Calum said all of a sudden. The other boys responded in agreement. "Wait, you guys really want me to join your band, even though we just met?" "Yeah, we consider you a friend already, and we have so much in common when it comes to music," Luke said. "Plus your voice is beautiful." "Wow guys, thanks so much. I don't know what to say except for YES!! I would love to!" "It's settled then," Michael said.

Wait, did I really just join a band with four crazy Australian teenage boys?

Author's Note:

Hey guys! This is my first fanfic, and it kind of sucks right now, so bear with me. It will get more interesting, I promise! I'll also add in more POV's for the boys. I know that there isn't a girl in the band, but it's for the purpose of the plot, ok? I really hope that you guys like it, and decide to read it! Helpful comments and feedback would also be really appreciated. If you have any ideas/suggestions, tell me! I would love to hear them :) Thanks for reading!

Btw, here is the outfit that Vi was wearing when she went to go jam with the boys in the park: http://www.polyvore.com/vis_outfit_for_her_first/set?id=86915814

Also, if you haven't heard about 5 Seconds of Summer, go Youtube them! You're gonna fall in love <3

~Dil xx

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