5. Here We Go

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Vi's POV

Beep. Beep.

My alarm clock rang, signaling that it was time to get up. Today is probably the only day where I won't mind getting up early.

It's our first show of the Take Me Home tour!

I jumped out of bed, and skipped to the bathroom, humming a song to myself. After I showered, I put on some sweats and a grey hoodie, and tied my hair into a messy bun. The boys were up as well, judging by the noises coming from their rooms. I met Liz in the kitchen, where she was making breakfast, and started stuffing my face with toast. I needed all the energy I could get for today.


Guitar in hand, I walked through the entrance of the O2 Arena, my jaw dropping in awe. This place was massive! My eyes scanned the entire arena, from the ceiling to the seats, and then finally to the stage. The stage where we would be playing tonight. "This is sick!" Luke exclaimed, taking out his phone and snapping a picture. I did the same, mentally telling myself to upload it to Instagram later.

"Amazing, isn't it?" an Irish accent came up behind us. We turned around to find Niall with an enormous grin on his face. "Amazing is an understatement!" Calum said. The boys all agreed, while I just stood there like an idiot. Let's face it, it's going to take me a while to get used to being in the presence of One Direction.

"It's great to see you again, mate!" Ashton said. "It's great to see you guys too!" Niall replied. "So excited that you're joining us on tour!" "Thanks so much for the opportunity." I said, smiling at him. "It means the world to us." "It's really no problem, babe," Niall stated. "We would be stupid to lose out on amazing talent like yours." Babe. He called me BABE. Cue the internal fangirling.

"Wanna see your dressing room?" Niall asked. "Yeah, let's go!" Michael said, excitedly.

We followed Niall, until we got to a door marked, "5SOS Dressing Room." It was a cute little room with a dressing table, a long mirror, clothes racks and some couches. I could get used to this. Suddenly, a noise came from the other side of the wall, followed by muffled voices. "Oh yeah, our dressing room is next door," Niall smirked. With that said, the rest of the lads ran in, bombarding us with hugs. "It's great to see you guys again," Liam said. "You guys too," Calum replied.

We all just chilled for a while, before we got called to soundcheck. I honestly can't even believe that we're about to step onto the stage of the O2! After getting through the excitement of being on one of the world's most famous stages, the boys and I went through our set list, singing some originals, and our cover of Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream.' I felt so free being up on that stage. It was where I belonged. Once we finished, the 1D lads clapped and cheered from the audience. I couldn't help the smile that broke out onto my face. My favorite band was a fan of ours! I looked straight at Harry, admiring his perfect smile. His eyes caught mine staring at him, and a blush crept onto my face as his gaze lingered on me. He smiled at me once more before following the rest of his bandmates backstage for their soundcheck. A bit dazed, I walked off stage, happy that no one else caught our little exchange. I would never hear the end of it if they did.

But it's not like it meant anything.

I ended up telling myself that I wouldn't watch One Direction's soundcheck, because I wanted to hear them live for the first time during the actual show. I wouldn't have gotten to listen to them anyway, because to my horror, we were rushed into hair and makeup. Makeup is something I can't stand. I only ever wear it on special occasions, so when I walked into the dressing room to find a whole pile of foundation, blush, and lipstick, I felt disgusted.

A cute lady with blonde waves came rushing up to us, and I must admit, she was gorgeous. "I'm Lou Teasdale, One Direction's hair stylist and makeup artist," she introduced herself, but of course I already knew who she was, being a fan and all. "Hi," we all murmured in unison, and introduced ourselves as well. I've always admired her beauty and her talent for doing hair. I never know how to do anything with my hair because it's absolutely poofy and horrendous. I waited while Lou went through each of the boys' hair. They went absolutely ballistic, admiring their new hairstyles. They all had their hair spiked up in a quiff, and it suited them really well. It was now my turn to be styled. "Do I have to wear makeup?" I whined. "I'm sorry sweetie, but you don't really have a choice. It's all a part of the business," Lou explained. I guess I'm going to have to get used to this if I want to be a singer, I thought as I reluctantly gave in. She started applying some foundation to my face, and the boys started laughing at the weird faces I was making. In about half an hour or so, Lou had put some light makeup on me, giving me bright red lipstick, and straightening my long, dark hair. I had to hand it to her. She made me look amazing! "Thanks, so much, Lou," I said smiling. "No problem, Vi. I can tell that I'm going to have fun doing your hair and makeup everyday," she said, as she returned the smile. When the boys saw me, they're eyes popped out of their heads. "What? Do I really look that bad?" I asked, worriedly. "No, we're just not used to seeing you in makeup, Vi," Ash said. "Yeah, you look so different, but beautiful as always," Luke said." "Absolutely stunning," Michael added. "Awh, thanks babes," I said. Leave it to the boys to make me feel loved.

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