4. London

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Vi's POV

It's been a month since we first met One Direction, and Michael's words still keep replaying over and over in my head. Maybe I wasn't imagining it when I thought Harry was staring at me. Michael and Ashton keep insisting that he was checking me out, but I just can't believe it. Harry would never want me. I'm nothing special.

I sighed and continued packing. Time to start touring!

Ashton's POV

We are heading back to London today since the tour is starting in three days. I still can't get over what's happening! Our fans are as over the moon as we are and they keep tweeting us about how excited they are for us. They're so sweet, and they know that we're really big fans of 1D, especially Vi. They keep tweeting her about how she's finally going to see her boyfriend! For some reason, I get the feeling that something's going to happen between Harry and Vi. They would be really cute together, and it seems as though Harry really likes her. They totally hit it off at the dinner last month.

"Flight 182 to London is now boarding." The announcement shook me out of my thoughts, and we all gathered our things and boarded the plane. As usual, I sat with Calum and Michael, and Luke and Vi sat behind us.

"Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking. We will be departing shortly. Enjoy your flight."

This is it.

Luke's POV

Vi and I looked at each other as soon as the captain said those words. Excitement was written all over her face and she had the brightest smile on her face. She's so cute when she gets excited! We were so hyper that we couldn't even fall asleep, so we stayed up and watched movies, listened to music and took stupid pictures of the other boys when they fell asleep. This is going to be one hell of a year, and I'm super happy to be able to enjoy it with my four best friends.


We touched down in London the next day, and it was actually sunny! I'm going to take this as a sign that this tour is going to go really well. We all followed my mum to baggage claim and got our stuff. I guess you could say that my mum is the official 5SOS tour mum now. Don't know how I feel about that. Let's hope she doesn't embarrass me too much.

~The Next Day~

We've been sitting in our London home all day with nothing to do, and the city was just calling my name, so I suggested that we do some touristing. We wouldn't have time to go another time with practice for the tour tomorrow, so I really wanted to do at least a bit of exploring. Screw jetlag. I wasn't letting it keep me inside all day. After convincing mum to let us go, we got on a double decker bus and headed into the city. We were all dying to see some of London's hotspots like Big Ben and the London Eye. As soon as we stepped off the double decker, some idiot walked by and eyed Vi up and down. He whistled at her and gave her the most perverted look I have ever seen.

"Hey, back off, man!" Ashton shouted. Vi looked so disgusted and scared, and I hated seeing her like that. "Asshole!" I yelled at the guy, and he walked away glaring at us. "Vi! Are you okay??" Calum asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," she stuttered. "It's just that nobody's looked at me like that before." "Don't worry, babe. We won't let any douches hurt you," I genuinely said. She smiled at me, and I took her hand in mine, never letting her go for the rest of the day.

We ended our night at the London Eye. The city looked so picturesque, and all of the city lights were glistening in the moonlight. It was a perfect view. I stayed by Vi's side the whole time, watching her eyes light up like a little child's once we reached the top. I just couldn't shake the incident that happened today, out of my head. Vi's like my little sister and I won't let anything happen to her or let anyone take advantage of her. I've always been extremely protective of her when it came to guys, because it seems like every guy wants her, since she's really pretty and sweet. It reminded me of the summer when we first met.


"Come on, guys!" Michael yelled at us as he raced towards the little ice cream shop at the end of the street. The rest of us caught up to him and we entered the shop together, the coldness hitting our faces. It felt relieving after a day of being out in the sun. We walked up to the counter where a boy about our age was working. He had dark brown hair, and a boyish grin.

We ordered our ice cream, and sat in a booth, chatting about the plans that we had for the band. The boy brought us our ice cream, and handed each of our orders to us one by one. When he got to Vi's he gave her a flirtatious smile and handed her the cone. "And here's a chocolate coated waffle cone for the beautiful lady," he said while winking at her. Vi's cheeks turned a light shade of crimson as she accepted the ice cream from him. "Thanks," she mumbled, giving him a sweet smile.

Once we left the shop, Calum and Michael started chanting, "Vi has a cruuuushhh! Vi has a cruuuushhh!" They were so immature. Vi just blushed and denied it, insisting that she never falls for guys who she doesn't know very well, but it was obvious that she thought he was cute.

Every time we went to get ice cream that summer, he would be there, ready to catch Vi's eyes with his impressive ice cream serving skills. They eventually started talking more and more, and it was clear that Vi actually was developing a crush on him.

The little acts of flirting with each other continued, until the boy, Zach his name was, asked her out on a date to the movies. Vi of course said yes, but I couldn't shake the feeling that he was bad news. I tried explaining this to Vi, but she said that he was really nice, and that I didn't have any proof that he was a jerk.

I proved to be right, however, when we caught him locking lips with a slutty looking, blonde-haired girl. I can't believe he had the courage to do that right after he asked Vi out. Vi was crushed because she was really starting to like him, and she swore that she would always get to know a guy before falling head over heels for them, and that she would always listen to me of course.

The next day, the boys and I went back to the ice cream shop without Vi, and each ordered a sundae. When Zach gave them to us, we accepted them, sending him our best fake smiles. As soon as his back was turned, we dumped our sundaes all over his head, took some pictures for Vi, and ran off laughing. He had no idea that we knew what he did to Vi. We would do anything for this girl, and even though we just met, it seemed like we've known her all of our lives. When we showed her the pictures later that night, she couldn't stop laughing and it felt great to see her happy again. We spent the rest of the night laughing until our stomachs hurt, and just enjoying each other's company.

*Flashback over*

Ever since then, I have always watched over her, making sure that she was okay, even when she was back home in the US. She's like the little sister I never had, and I swore to myself that I would never let anything happen to her on this tour. We would be going to so many new places over the next year, and anything could happen. The boys and I won't let our best friend get her heart broken.

I was still lost in my own thoughts, when the London Eye came to a stop, and Vi pulled on my hand, shaking me out of my memories. "Come on, Luke!" We have to go! We're supposed to be up at 6 tomorrow for practice, and we all know that we're not a morning band." She let out a little laugh, dragging me towards the exit before even giving me a chance to reply. I was glad that she seemed to be over what happened today. The other boys were waiting for us, and we joined them, all of us enjoying the nightlife of the city one last time before going back home.

I looked at each one of my bandmates and smiled to myself. It's crazy how we've all gotten so close over such a short period of time. It just shows how much we care about each other, and how unbreakable our bond is. Tomorrow marks the start of something new, and I'm so ready.

We're about to take on the world.

Author's Note:

Wow! 2 updates in one week?! Haha, wish I could always be this fast with my updates ;) Anywaysss, hope you enjoyed this little flashback! I might do more throughout the rest of the story. So, now you have a little insight on Luke and Vi's relationship :) Cute isn't it? ;)

Hope you're enjoying it so far! Leave me a comment and tell me what you think!

I hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving as well!!

Until next time,

~Dil xx

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