Chapter 13

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(Hello! Just a brief sentence or two by Hanna--er, Emo-san. To KuroKun: I have had to censor. Because my PARENTS have figured out how to get on here. Sorry.)

Hi there! This isn't Emo-san, it's Kuro-Kun (previously known as Hannah-sama or KuroTsukiKun in other A/Ns)! Well, I wanted to see if Emo-san would let me write an intro-thingy, so I'll just see if she puts this one in, shall I?

Storme: No one cares about you, you b****! We wanna hear from Emo!

Emo-san: You do? Really?

Storme: No.

Tsuki: Be nice, Storme!

Strome: Make me!

Gin: Impossible, that!

Storme: Shut up!

Yama-jii: Yes, please do, I want to drink my tea in peace!

Storme: When the **** did you get here, you old geezer?!

Renji: Hey, Tsuki's friend; language!

Storme: English!

Tsuki: That gets kinda old, ya' know? The whole, “English” thing...

Shut up! Good, now I've got my intro back. Okay. Where was I? Oh well. Doesn't matter. Enjoy!



            I had never really looked at my zanpakuto before. Yeah, I knew the hilt-wrapping was a pretty shade of dark royal blue. I knew the sheath was an almost black mahogany with spiral designs etched onto it,  and that the hilt had about six strings coming from the hilt, each with a silver sphere of a bead at the end.  I knew that the katana would be worn through the obi of my shihakusho. I knew that the blade, guard, and hilt were silver, and prettily engraved. And that was it. So how in Hueco Mundo was I going to get this thing to talk to me?

            Renji led me out of the training grounds and into the Seiretei (A/N: Seiretei can be spelled many ways, by many people. This is my spelling. Please don't give the author (KuroTsukiKun or EmoEmu, depending on the chap) any crap about spelling. Just a reminder! - Kuro-Kun) We strolled past dwellings – houses and palaces – as wells as beautiful gardens, inns, taverns, and shops (we stopped at the Silver Dragonfly Eyewear – or was it slug, or maybe cockroach?). Renji let me gape like a girl from Rukongai at it all, and walked at a leisurely pace. Eventually, we found the Gate. It was huge; taller than anything I'd ever seen in my life. Renji tapped the wood and it slowly rose. Grunting reached my ears as the Gate slowly rose, and I saw Jidombo on the other end, hauling the Gate on his shoulders.

            “Jidombo!” Renji called to the giant Gate-keeper. Jidombo looked down, and spotted us.

            “Hello there, Abarai-fuku-taichou!” he boomed back (rather loudly, in my opinion), waving us through the Gate.

            As we exited the Seiretei, Renji made for Rukongai. At one point he must have decided we were taking too long, because he looked at me and held out his hand.

            “Ummm......?” I said.

            “We need to shunpo to make it to 79 before dark.”

            “79? Isn't that where you~”


            “Oh” we lapsed into silence.

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