Chapter 2

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Monday, I walk to school with my school bag slumped over my right shoulder. I sigh as I think of the long day of school ahead of me. One week of school to go until the weekend. I brush my long brown hair out of my hazel eyes as I walk into the school gates and brace myself for everything to come.

I watch people in their own groups talking about things that interest them as I trek towards my form class. Once I reach my class I push the door open and walk to the back of the classroom where my friend Kaylee sits, waiting for me.
"Hey Sierra, how are you doing?" She asks me ecstatically.
"Hi Kaylee, I'm great. How are you keeping up?" I lie.
"Well I've been better, my aunty is still being a bitch. Always shouting at me because she has nothing better to do, she threw a vase at my face yesterday." She scoffs.
"Oh damn, are you okay?" I reply in shock.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm alive so I guess I'm fine." She answers with a reassuring smile.

After a while the bell for first period went off, Kaylee and I say our farewell's and part ways to go to our lesson. I have history, great. When I reach the door I take a deep breath before I enter the room full of plastic faces and bitchy laughter. I walk to the end of the room and sit in the empty seat in the corner, take my books out and try to focus on what the teacher is saying. All I hear is "King Henry VII blah blah blah."
'This lesson is such a drag, when does it finish?' I think to myself as I doodle in my notebook.
"Sierra! Sierra! Are you even concentrating?!" This snaps me out of my zone.
"Y-yes Miss Burton?" I stammer.
"Sierra, if you want to achieve the best in this class, you have to focus." Says Miss Burton sternly.
"Sorry Miss."
"So as I was saying before Henry VII blah blah." And she's at it again.

One long and boring school day later, I walk towards the school gates and brace myself for what was to come when I reach home. As I step out of the gate, I see a familiar face standing on the side amongst a group of boys. It's Robert Burns. I quickly turn my face around and start walking the other way when I hear 
"Oye, emo. Where do you think you're going?" Followed by some snickering.
"Please leave me alone Robert" I plead.
"Haha, go away you pathetic bitch. Nobody wants you anyways that's why your father left you with your crackhead of a mum when you were 8." Tears well in my eyes and I run off, I run until I reach the bus stop where I sit trying to calm myself down. How could Robert be so mean? How could he have changed so much? We were best friend's from when we were little but once we reached secondary school, Robert changed; he started hanging out with the wrong crowd. From there he started being mean and exposed all of my secrets and used them against me to bully me. 'I'll always be there for you', bullshit! False promises, that's all people are full of. The bus finally arrives 5 minutes later, I get on and take a seat. By now it was getting darker, I lean my head against the window and watch as we pass groups of happy teenager's laughing and joking around with each other. 'Why can't I be a normal teenager? Why can't I be happy?' I think to myself. We zoom past children with their father's, their little fingers intertwined with their father's as they walk home with them and tell them the story about their eventful day whilst their father smiles the brightest smile. 'Is there something wrong with me? Why didn't my father love me? Why did he leave me?' My heart breaks into millions of pieces, 'Robert was right, he never loved me. If he did, he wouldn't have left us with an alcoholic mother that abuses us.'

The bus finally arrives at my stop so I get up and walk off. My house is only 6 minutes away so I walk slowly towards my house. Once I reach the front door, it's flung open before I even have my keys out. My mother stands there staring at me, she doesn't look that drunk surprisingly.
"Erm, hi mum. A-are you okay?"
"Yes hun, come inside. You have a visitor." She announces.
"M-me, a visitor?" I ask puzzled.
"Just come inside For God's Sake!" She shouts.
As I walked in, I noticed that the atmosphere was very quiet as if the house had been abandoned for years. I place my bag in the hallway and follow my mother inside. As I walk in, I see a person sitting comfortably on the couch with a glass of coca cola in their hand.
"What...the... hell?!"

A/N: I'm so sorry for not posting for a long time. My A-levels are really stressful and I hardly have time to myself. This chapter is horrible so I'm really sorry. Who do you think the visitor is? Thanks for reading, I appreciate it a lot guys.

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