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A/N Right, so, Im back. i have been super stuck and struggling with the plot and now that its all worked out I PROMISE to update regularly.


Sky lowered his gun, a tad too hesitantly for my taste.

We watched each other, both our gazes calculating. Since I'd found Slater I had a new respect for Wildones, but Sky was still a mystery to me. Trusting a little boy and trusting a grown man twice my size were two very different things.

The woman next to him moved to speak, but Sky threw out a hand to stop her. His eyes leveled with mine and a deep anger burnt there. It startled me. Warily, I slid myself backwards a few steps, pushing Slater behind me.

"What?" I cringed at the sharp edge of his words. He moved forward, shoulders squared and muscles tense. "What is this?!"

No one was prepared for his yell as it ricocheted through the alley, landing in every ear like a bee sting. I wasn't the only one to flinch.

He stormed towards me, this time without stopping. "YOU WERE DEAD!" He screamed, tossing his gun to the ground with a loud clatter. Slater gasped at his outburst, but I remained silent. "I LEFT YOU THERE." As Sky came to stand before me, I couldn't seem to quell the haphazard throbbing of my heart. Fear was the last thing I wanted to feel, but it pulsed through my veins like poison.

"I..." My voice trailed off limply and I lowered my gaze. Sky came to a stop in front of me, face inches from mine and eyes blazing.

"You were dying. You were already dead." His voice had toned down to a whisper, but venom still dripped off of every word. "You were bitten." I meet his eyes as he muttered the last sentence, his words barely audible.

"Well," I murmured gently. "I'm alive."

We held each others gaze, though my eyes wanted nothing more than to glance timidly away. A soft tugging on my shirt finally broke my attention. Slater peered up at me, eyes round and fearful. I needed to be strong. For him.

"Is this your clan?" Keeping my voice low, I addressed Sky as delicately as I could, peaking around his shoulder at the expectant group behind him.

"No," Sky's stiff posture collapsed and he dragged a hand over his face. "Just some rogues I'm staying with."

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't." Sky cut me off with a steely glare before turning towards the group.

"They're harmless." He called out across the ally. The woman sauntered forward, an sharp twist to her features.

"It's not them I'm worried about," She growled, coming to a stop several feet from us. "That was completely irrational, Sky."

"I'm sorry, I was in shock."

"I don't care if she's your dead grandmother, that's no fucking excuse to go berserk and THROW a weapon!" Sky lowered his head but the woman continued, stepping forward again. "Do you know how many creatures probably heard that? God dammit, Sky," she spit on the ground and whirled back towards her people. "That was your last chance."

"You can't be serious!" Sky's disbelieving scoff landed on cold ears as the woman turned to give him a scowl.

"I've never been one for jokes, you should know that."

"Robin, please, I only need a few more days-"

"Oh, for what? Eating our food and stealing our ammo? You were dead to me a long time ago. I took a chance letting you back in. And I regret that decision every day."

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