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 *Mature Language*


I let the axe tumble from my hands. 

"There's a good girl," the Man sneered, coming towards us. The gun was still aimed at my face, staring me down with lifeless intensity. I felt my blood run cold as the man neared, coming to stand so close I could smell his rancid breath. 

Slater pressed himself against me, his arms coiling around my waist. I set a comforting arm around his shoulders and lifted my chin. 

"What do you want with us?" I asked, keeping my gaze steady with the strangers muddy brown eyes. His face twitched slightly, hinting at growing irritation. 

"I want the boy to go over there," He growled, jerking his head towards the left side of the storage room. Slater held tighter, his deep breaths turning to whimpers.  

"Go!" The man yelled when Slater refused to move. His voice radiated around my skull but I managed to keep myself from flinching. I shoved Slater away, not taking my eyes off the man. 

"No!" Slater cried, grasping desperately at my clothes. I continued to untangle myself from the boy, shoving him away from me. 

"Go on, It's going to be okay. Just go," I whispered, letting my stare slip away for a moment to give Slater a reassuring look. He finally let go of me, backing away clumsily into the dark. 

I faced the man again, heart beating in my chest like a trapped bird. He stared at me, eyes slowly dipping downward before jumping back up to my face. A nervous ball formed in my throat and I forced it down, trying to disguise my quivering hands and knees. 

"Come here," He grunted, grabbing my arm and yanking me forward. I yelped in alarm, twisting desperately in his grasp. He gave my body a jerk and brought his face inches away from mine. "Shhh..." He crooned, using the hand he held the gun in to swipe some hair out of my face. I ceased all movement as the cold metal brushed against my skin. 

Back in the colony, Night Watchers had guns for protection. I'd never thought much of it. But now that I was alone in the Waste, I wondered where they'd gotten them. If a Wildone had access, what was keeping us so safe after all? My gut tumbled. 

"If you struggle anymore, that boy over there will have a bullet in his head."  

Silence followed the mans words as I mulled them over. Shock quickly dissipated into a cold numbness and I nodded my head. Slater cried from his corner, shielded by darkness.  

"Get on the ground." The man commanded, his eyes brightening with sick excitement. Dread pooled through my veins and I reluctantly sank to my knees.  

Slaters sobs intensified as the man brought a boot up to my shoulder and shoved me down onto my back. I cried out in pain as my bite wound throbbed, and scrambled a few few away on my hands. 

The man reached down and wrapped a grubby hand around my ankle, yanking me towards him. I slipped along effortlessly over the cement, my shirt hiking up to let my skin scrape harshly against the rough ground. 

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