Haruka x Band Member!Reader (Untitled)

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Y/N L/N, member of 7S-AO, was famous, all over Tokyo, she was the singer and lead guitarist in a nearly all male rock band. Everywhere you went, everyone would recognise her, ask for pictures and even her number. But she didn't want all this attention.

"Hey (C/N)-Chan! I got a merit in art! Are you impressed?" She asked hopefully to the male. He remained indifferent and shook his head. This was one of the many times she had tried to get his attention but this time, she gave up.

"You know what..? I give up.." She mumbled, her voice shaky and quiet. She left his classroom and called her fellow band members, saying she wouldn't be in practice. She snuck up to the room and closed the gently behind her, letting out a sigh as she leant her head on the door.

"You finally gave up, I take it?" A monotonous voice said, making her jump.

"Haruka-Chan..I actually thought he would be impressed for once.." She mumbled, a hand held out to her and she looked up to see Haruka Nanase with a bored expression. She nodded and cautiously took his hand and he pulled her up with so much force that she had to hold onto him. She opened her eyes slowly to find Haru looking just as embarrassed as her, the two's lips pressing against each others. She quickly pulled back and covered her face in embarrassment whilst the swimmer stood with pink cheeks and widened eyes. She turned away from him quickly and reached for the door.

"Nanase-Kun...I am deeply sorry for that..G-Goodbye..." She whispered, scampering out and closing the door behind her. A small smile grew on his face and he gently touched his lips.


'I don't think I can face Haruka again now' She thought, fumbling for her cellphone, she called her most reliable friend. She hid round a corner and held the phone up to her ear

"Makoto! I have a huge problem!" She wailed down the phone and her tall brunette friend sighed deeply

"..What is it?" She realised he was probably visiting his boyfriend, Sousuke

"I accidentally kissed Haruka!"

"How?! Accidentally?!"

Haru laid back on his bed, completely bored. At this point, he didn't even know what he was feeling. Shaking it away, he opened up YouTube and saw that a friend had sent him a video link. A girl popped up on the screen.


"So, as you guys know, I have a crush on my best friend...and I think I might have just ruined our entire friendship. So, you all know about C/N-Senpai, and how I'm meant to impress him because, and I quote," She raised her hands to her chest in a sort of claw shape "'You must be a love interest with C/N, Bleh Bleh Bleh'. Thanks Father. But I finally gave up and in a rage, I stormed up to the rooftop and slammed the door behind me. As I was sitting against said door, my actual crush, who's name shall not be mentioned, offered a hand to help me up. Now, he's a great swimmer and oh. My. God, his muscles are unbelievable. He has reaaally fluffy hair that he always tells me off for messing up. Oh, anyway, as he was pulling me up, because he's strong as fuck, I fell into him and we ended up accidentally kissing. I don't think I can ever face him again, but he's my best friend! Ugh, I don't know what to do at all!" Y/N mumbled the last bit sadly, a hint of frustration in her voice

"It's not like I didn't enjoy it or anything, I mean, I'm in love with him, but I'm not sure he feels the same way.." The doorbell rang and she replied a quick, 'come in!'

"That's my friend here, so that's this video all done! Sorry about that ranting, see ya later!" The camera shut off and Haru felt a smile grace his features. Then he realised, someone was over at her house and he recalled asking Makoto if he wanted to do something after school, but he was busy...With Y/N..What if Makoto likes Y/N?

Haru raced out the door and down the stone pathway, running about 1/4 of a mile to get to Y/N's house, he knocked on the door loudly and he heard two sets of footsteps padding toward the door. As soon as the door opened, Haru grabbed Y/N's wrist and kissed her passionately, scaring the crap out of Makoto. Y/N tensed up, but hesitantly pressed against his.


"Go out with me?" He walked away, eyes locked on Y/N. She nodded, still kinda in shock. A small smirk appeared on his face as he turned around, putting his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"See you tomorrow Y/N! Love you~!" He called, waving at her, she slowly waved back. Makoto grinned

"I told you it would work~!" She punched the olive-haired swimmer in the shoulder, mumbling some...colourful...words.

"Come on! Haru's going to your concert tomorrow so you need to look good. And, he really likes your dolphin guitar and that kinda sparkly microphone!" Makoto dragged her back inside.

"You're just a big ball of gay, aren't you"


Can you tell how much I love Haru

Cause he is an adorable lil ****

AnYwAyS, It's Karasuno_Fight_Me here, but you guys can call me such names as Tyler, SD, Kenma trash, Ty. I honestly couldn't care less. (It's actually Ashlee btw)

Also, let's get this out there, My preferred pronouns are Female pronouns, She, Her. Respect other people's pronouns/gender preferences.

These one-shots will be Fem!Readers but there might be ones with Androgynous!Reader or Transgender!Reader.

My Social Medias are as follows.

Twitter: Ashleebirch_Art

Instagram: Karasuno_Fight_Me

...What's my tumblr again..?

Oh well...

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Tyler Out!

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