Part 17: Faded Memories

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Soran was laying on a metal table surrounded by computer terminals. An elastic-style band had been placed around his head with elctrodes attached which linked his head to a series of terminals. These terminals reminded Soran of old technology, at least thirty years out of date. Their bulky frames and large power supplies were linked, through a similar aparatus that Soran was linked, to various glowing crystals of varying sizes and colours. It all seemed highly surreal.

“This is the Memorium” Kisa’s voice spoke, electrified and tinny through the speaker it was being emitted from.

“It is a device which allows us to interface with various sections of your mind”.

“Ok” Soran said. “But what does my brain have to do with becomming a Sorcerer? Don’t I need to train or something?” Soran replied. He was very confused by this whole experience. Was this even real? Or was he laying in that same pool of water in the Undercity, dying of delerium?

“No, Soran. You don’t have to train. This is one of the upsides of being a Skry”. Soran didn’t reply, he was still contemplating the viability of the reality that surrounded him. The searing pain once again raced through his head and he let out a cry of pain. This had to be real afterall.

“What was that!?” He demanded, holding his hand to his head.

“That was a test interface” Kisa’s tinny voice replied. “This may hurt a little”.

“Ha!! Now you tell me... But why don’t I have to train?”

“The answer lies within the biology of the Skry” Kisa’s tinny voice explained. “As you know, our abilities are housed within our brain in our Arcane Cortex. It is believed that through the channeling of arcane energy through our brains like this, our evolutionary path has differed slightly to humans” there was a pause. Soran could hear muffled talking in the background. “Apolgies, Soran. This energy has mutated our brains to contain what is known as a genetic memory. All of the knowledge of the Skry is in your head, Soran. We are all linked by energy and this energy passes our knowledge between each other on the subconsciousness and stores it in the memory centres of our brains”.

“So-you think that my brain contains all the knowledge I need to use my abilities?” Soran asked. He liked this isea, maybe he could get to be powerful enough to take on Rammachandra again.

“Indeed. There is a base knowledge that is passed betweeen all Skry, almost like a DNA sequence. However more specific knowledge can be passed from person to person in the same gene pool. More specialized spells, for example. Anyone sharing the same genetic basis retains this knowledge. This has lead to family proffessions, certain families specialising in specific areas of sorcery and becomming skilled in them. This process is called Specific Genetic Memory-SGM”.

“Ok...” Soran was finding this all very difficult to take in. “But what does this mean to me?” There was silence and murmering over the speaker once more. It died down quickly.

“We’re not sure that you will contain this informaion. We are assuming that you are part Skry-that’s why you can do what you can do-but we do not know how much of Skry DNA is within you. We’re going to subject you to high levels of energy directed at your brain to try and awaken the Arcane Cortex fully and activate your true potential”.

“Um, what..!?” Soran pushed himself up onto his elbows, alarmed.

“It is not going to be comfortable, but you will survive-you have the ability to channel energy through yourself without harm-we have all seen this and so you have an Arcan Cortex-and this process will not harm you in the long run. This is your choice Soran, we can help you if you wish. This is your choice to make”.

Soran layed down once more, looking at the metalic roof of the chamber he was in. He was aware that he was laying on his dreadlocks and was slightly uncomfortable. He could have a chance a killing her without her wiping him out with a wave of her hand. Could she do that? How powerful was she? 

“Do it” Soran felt his body say. He didn’t realize he’d even said it. 

Clamps closed around his wrists and ankles. Generators all around him powered up and the computer moniters sprand to life. The crystals started to glow and resonate, sending out sparks all around them-and Soran readied himself.

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