Wake up call

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Thanks guys for the reads and three votes, lmao. I wanna thank my friends that helped me with doing that, I guess I don't even know Hope you enjoy the next chapter! Love yah  guys~

Mazzy xx :3


(Riley's POV)

I was woken by a blazing sun ray entering my room, filling it within seconds. I groaned at the wake up call, and flipped over on my stomach and face planted into my soft pillow. I exhaled as my body relaxed again, and there was silence in my room. "Wake up Riley you lazy butt! Before I drag you out!" I heard a voice shouting at me. I spoke too soon. I flipped over and faced the voice and saw Alycia snickering. I was about to open my mouth to say something rude to her, but she beat me to it, "Hey fatty do you actually need to be pulled out of bed? I can call Deven to come pull you out, since I'm probably not strong enough to pull you off your lazy butt." she said while snickering even louder to herself. I shoot her daggers and jumped out of bed charging at her, but was soon to be hugged by the floor due to my clumsiness. I groaned again and stood up to Alycia running down the hall laughing and calling me stupid.

School starts today and I was not prepared for this. I was frightened of what the students here would think of me, but I could care less about their opinions because I have no time for people putting me down all the time. Plus, I have my brothers to protect me from bullies or males trying to get in my pants. If there's girls that annoy me, my sister will beat them into the ground like a hammer and a nail, like boom. I know can take care of myself though, since I've gained a lot of strength after my birthday for some odd reason.

Getting up I reached into my wardrobe and grabbed my black skinny jeans along with a bra and underwear. Before jumping into the shower I shouted out into the hall way, "Yo twats, what about my uniform top?" and giggled at what I called them, immature I know. I waited a good minute, and nothing was said through out the house. I grumbled to myself and stomped down the hall way knocking on every single door, even if a few of them were empty. I skipped back to my door way and crossed my arms and sighed.

Seconds later, a soft object hit my face causing me to become alarmed of my surroundings. The soft object was a t-shirt I soon discovered as it fell to the floor. I looked up away from the t-shirt and saw Dean chuckling at my reaction to the surprise attack. "Thanks jerk!" I murmured, before I stuck my tongue out at him and turned on my heel and walked into my bathroom.

I took a five minute shower before changing into my clothes for the day. I was in the middle of pulling my hair up into a pony tail before Chris barged into my room throwing something at me. It landed on the sink in front of me and I picked it up and immediately dropped it in shock. Chris gave me a puzzled look before bursting into laughter, "What was that about sister? Have you never seen a skirt in your life before?" He snickered, as I picked the skirt back up and tossed it at his face making him stop.

"I am not wearing that piece of crap, Chris. Skirts make me feel naked. It's like a big hole exposing your area, and it's really uncomfortable." I whined with a pouty face. He tossed it back at me but I dodged out of the way so it wouldn't touch me.

"Riley put it on, it's part of the uniform you need to wear it in order to join the school." he said with frustration as he drove his hand through his hair. He walked into the bathroom and picked up the skirt and held it in front of my face, "Look at it. It will not harm you in anyway if you were to just wear it. It looks comfortable to wear." scanning the skirt before scanning my facial emotion for a better reply. I just sighed and shook my head telling him I refuse to wear such clothing.

"Can I not wear it bro? You know how much I hate skirts, I've hated it since I was a kid. Just a reminder, you guys were the ones who said it was ugly and a useless piece of clothing in the first place! You said it doesn't even cover anything!" I scoffed. He was about to open his mouth to spit out another comeback but I beat him to it, "Wait a second, Chris! Are you trying to let guys get in my pants?" as I pulled a disgusted face, as his face turned red.

"Fine!" he shouted then sighed, "Fine, don't wear it. No boy will be touching you, and I will make sure of that." storming out my bathroom with the skirt and out my room. Before leaving though I heard him mumble to himself, "Why do I bother trying in the first place." I smiled at his efforts to persuade me, but I knew it would have never worked anyways. I redid my pony tail before grabbing a backpack that was bought for me with a few pens and notebooks already in it, and swinging it over my shoulder. I skipped three steps each time while going down the flight of stairs, going down to the kitchen.

"Heads up!" someone shouted as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I looked up confused before getting hit in the chest with a paper bag. I caught it just in time before it hit the floor, and rubbed the area where it collided with me. "That's your lunch sister, I made it special for you." Deven winked, "Oh, and nice catch by the way, nearly lost it though." he teased, and I rolled my eyes at his foolishness.

"Thanks for the lunch, mother." I gave him a little wink. He stared at me with disbelief. He hated being called mother, and we all teased him with that nickname before. We called him that since he was the one who cooked for us, and cleaned our clothes. He was like a mother model to us, since our mother passed away a while ago which is why I have never got the feel of having a real mother take care of us and Deven is the closest I will probably get.

Deven chased me around the kitchen before a loud booming voice spoke over our laughter. "What have I said about running in my house, children?" my father said with a stern voice, over towering us with a disappointed expression. We put our heads down and apologized briefly for the rule we broke. I forgot all about the house rules, I thought they were nonexistent at this point. "The car is outside waiting like usual, get in there and wait for the others next time." as he turned his back on us and walked back to his office and shut the door.

I looked at Deven with a casual look, and he looked back looking worried I might pull something on him. I giggled, "What does he mean a car is outside waiting?" Deven gave me a sad smile but explained that father has been protective of my brothers and sister the past two years I've been gone because he thought they were going to run away from him. He thought that because all of them were angry at him for sending me away, and he thought that they would run away together to come find me. That made sense for him to do what he did, but I wasn't expecting to see the type of car that was parked up in front of the house.

A limo, was parked up in front of the house. A limo. Who in their right minds drives in a limo, repeat a limo, to go to school?! I was snapped out of my thoughts as all my siblings rushed out of the front door of the house, and dragging me into the limo door. We all fought getting into the limo and to be honest it was pretty hectic, but I enjoyed the idea of family bonding in the mornings. "Do you guys do this everyday?" I wondered out loud.

"Yup, everyday. Because you're here, it'll be so much more fun. Finally Alycia won't complain she's a girl and that we can't push girls, since we'll be pushing you too!" Chris blurted out quickly before I started laughing at the comment about Alycia.

"I do not complain, I just state that it's rude to push a girl." she grumbled, as she crossed her arms with a upset look on her face. I put my arm over her shoulder and told her that I won't let them push her, because I was going to be the one pushing her. In return for my sisterly caring, she gave me a weak punch to my right arm. I chuckled at her poor efforts as she shot me playful daggers. I noticed the boys laughing at her pathetic punch too, and I laughed even more.

I was going to enjoy the mornings in the limo, even though I thought the limo was a little bit over the top, but what happened between us was fun. The trip to the chosen location though, was going to be the terrifying bit. School. I gulped at the thought of it, as a huge white building came into view. Wish me luck.

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