Leaving this hell hole

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I was caught kneeling beside my principals door with his keys, trying to find the right one to open the door. I stood up quickly as i heard a faint cough sounding from behind me, immediately my face flushed light shades of pink. "Hello, miss Riley. What are you doing out here during class hours?" Mr. Whitmore questioned. I instantly hid the keys from his sight and tilted my head slightly.

"Wait, what? It's class time? Whoops, better get going." as I had a failed attempt to squeeze past him and the wall, I ended up being pushed back into the same spot. I groaned internally, and gave him a glare before he started smiling at me. I felt extremely uncomfortable about the gigantic grin he was giving me. "Why are you smiling at me like that, what have I done wrong this time?" I frowned expecting him to say something about my grades not being high enough, or the fact I keep planting pranks everywhere to freak the girls out.

He had that grin plastered across his mouth for what felt like hours, and finally words spilled out of his mouth. "Riley, you're going home." Time froze. I couldn't process what he just said to me. Home? The place where I grew up? The place I last saw my stupid brothers and sister? The place where I was kicked out by my own father? Yep, home. With me being me, I replied pretty awfully.

"Say what?" as my mouth remained opened. Mr. Whitmore just laughed at me and shook his head. He then took his keys from my hands with a disappointment look, which was seen for a split second, and opened his office door. I was pulled into the room and sat down in one of the two chairs as I stared around the office I knew too well. Everything looked the same as it was yesterday, except the scattering of the papers on his desk and a big brown box with tons of objects placed neatly within it.

"Miss Riley, your father called from home demanding i send you back home." He said with a forced smile as mine turned into complete shock. My father wants me back? I highly doubt it was his idea and i am sure my brothers and my only sister are behind this, "Anyways, Riley I've gotten your roommates to collect all your items into this box, and I've gotten a driver to take you back home," he explained "So, you can just be on your way with this box and head to the main entrance of the school and a car should be there to take you." He said with a smile, but you can see the hint of sadness sparkle in his eyes.

I was bubbling with excitement of seeing my family again, but then again I felt remorse for leaving this school. It's not that I will miss any of the girls here, but I am losing one of the best principals in history! He has helped me since day one, and I am absolutely thankful for his support for me and it's nice to know that at least someone in this hell hole cares about me. Even after all the pranks I had him clean up for me while I was sent to my room, he still loved having me at his school.

"Thank you so much Jensen!" Yes, i call my principal by his first name. "I can't even express to you how happy I am right now. Though I am a bit sad because I'm leaving and I know you're going to miss me and all but you'll get through it. I am so excited! Jensen I am so thankful right now, thank you so so soo much, thank you, tha-"

"Riley! You never stop rambling on do you?" he chuckles as I shoot him daggers. "Okay now, hurry up miss you are going to lose your ride home!" I instantly threw myself forward and grabbed the box nearly dropping it, and shrieked a bit. I heard loud chuckles forming behind me as I ran out the door shouting my good byes and rammed into the front doors nearly falling down several steps leading up to the school. The man waiting outside gave me a dazed look but was quick to change it into a warming smile, as he opened the back doors to the black car.

"Oh my, I have never seen a young lady walk out of this school in such a rush!" he chuckled out loud, as I sighed and acknowledged that I was never going to become one of those 'young ladies'. God knows, I'm not even a lady! I honestly wish to never know what I am, and hope I never get to bring up the topic of my birthday once I reach home. I loved birthdays until a few months ago, and boy oh boy, I will never love birthdays again. The memory of the event had shivers running up and down my spine as goosebumps formed over my skin. I shook it off and told the driver I was all set, and ready to go.

"I hope everyone doesn't expect too much of me," I whispered to myself as I leaned my head against the chilly window. "I won't let them know what happens, or they'll just send me much further away from home next time."


Heyy guys xD. This is my first chapter of an upcoming story I guess, and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter it took me a while to type up, since I'm really nervous of what you awesome people reading it will think...

Story line if you're lost?:

There's a girl, called Riley, that was living with her family but got sent away by her dad to an all girls boarding school. She made friends with the principal, which is basically her only friend, and played pranks on half the girls in the school. She's a devil student you could say. But her principal got a phone call from home telling him that Riley could come home, and from that point she was sent home and she's super excited and sad and happy at the same time. Though she talked about her birthday and how bad that was, which i'll explain as the story goes on~ That's about it.. xD

But anyways I hope you enjoyed it (fingers crossed) and I will try update it and see where this goes. Please comment though, and tell me what you think.. This is defiantly not edited so I'm sorry if there's a few mistakes or the grammar makes no sense at all.. ahhhh god sorry :(.

Thanks anyways guyssss~ :3

Mazzy xx

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