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I finally reached home and felt like I was dying of hunger. While taking the keys out my pocket, I tripped over a small rock and ended up nearly breaking my teeth against the two steps leading up to the door. I stayed on the floor for a few seconds before grabbing the keys beside my hands and standing up slowly, brushing the dirt offs my black jeans. This day was just too long for me; I need to rest right about now. Actually, I need food more than anything so I'll get that first.

As I opened the door the smell of food cooking had me floating nearly. It was so heavenly, it made my mouth drool. I dropped my bag to the side and slide my sneakers off while hopping into the kitchen to see Alycia cooking at the stove. She silently giggled at my arrival, but was quick to serve her cooked food onto a plate and place it on the big dining table. She cuffed her hands over her mouth and shouted really loudly, "Dinner is ready fams!"

Instantly, I heard 3 pairs of feet stomping down the stairs and loud shouts and grunts echoing down the hall. I took the chair closest to me, and plopped down into it. While waiting for the troublemakers to reach the table I grabbed a piece of garlic bread and stuffed it into my mouth. My brothers reached the table as I was finishing off the piece of garlic bread. "Hey little sis, how was detention?" Dean asked politely while my other two brothers started placing food that was mountain high on their plates.

"It was okay." was all I said not getting into details. He nodded slowly and passed up the plate containing mashed potatoes. I got a spoon full of it before passing it back to him and grabbing the plate of fried chicken. I heard my stomach growling happily, as I added veggies and some gravy on top of the mashed potato. Half way through eating I felt the urge to stop eating and run outside, but I pushed that feeling away and forced myself to eat the food left on my plate, because I couldn't waste a plate of food made by Alycia. Not like there was a choice anyways.

(Time skip to after dinner because I'm tired. XD)

I had just finished eating my lovely dinner, and also finished my refreshing, warm shower. I stood in the shower, letting the warm water cover every part of my body and I haven't felt this relaxed in a while, it felt nice. While getting out the shower though, I nearly slipped and I thought that was the end of me, but it wasn't so it's okay.

I was now standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom in my pajamas, somewhat expecting something to happen but nothing did. I listened around the house for any sounds, but I picked up nothing. It was dead silent. I frowned at my own reflection, and pulled my hair into a messy bun just like the night before. I walked over to my bed and pulled the sheets down before hopping in and snuggling into the sheets again.

I was so tired; I couldn't wait to just sleep in my comfy bed and just turn my thoughts off for a few hours. I sighed and closed my eyes, taking a minute to clear my mind. Somehow I felt empty, like there was something missing. I shook it off and whispered good night to my family, knowing they probably wouldn't hear me, but surprisingly I heard something.

"Good night little sister, I love you." Dean whispered before sighing and going quiet for a few seconds. Though a few seconds later he spoke again, "I wish you could hear me tell you that every night, like I hear you tell us every night." I was scared of the response I had received from my brother. He couldn't possibly hear me, and I couldn't have possibly heard him. I was too shocked to say anything, so I just decided to roll on my side and fall asleep as fast as possible.

I'm a bit terrified of what I just experienced but I told myself it was just a coincidence that it happened. That was not possibly possible, it couldn't be...


Hey guys sorry for not updating so often, I had been really busy with school work and attending football training. Hope you enjoy this chapter, though it's a really short one just to keep you updated.

I'm really sorry for the short length of the story, but it's really late and I need some rest but I promise I'll make a longer update for the next chapter. Stay fabulous~

Mazzy xx :*

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