Chapter 7 Reunion

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Chapter 7 Reunion

Loud gasps were heard along with murmuring. I could faintly see Gimli pushing people out of the way.  

"Where is she? Where is she! Y-you are the luckiest lass I have ever ment!" He hugged my legs as I chuckled.  

"Where's Aragorn and Legolas?" I asked. He pointed through the crowd. I saw them talking. They looked sad and tired. Aragorn had his back turned to me so he couldn't see me. I smirked when I saw Legolas' eyes widen. Aragorn turned around and had a confused look.  

"B-Bella? How? You fell." Aragorn said. I merely shrugged and smiled. He handed me an object; my braclet. I gasped when I noticed I wasn't wearing it.  

"Thank you Aragorn." He hugged me and let go. I walked over to Legolas without speaking a word. He just starred at me and I began to worry, he wasnt saying anything. When I was about to turn away he grabbed my face and slammed his lips onto mine. He picked me up and spun me around. It was the best kiss I have ever had with him. It held so much emotion, love, joy, happiness. It lasted for minutes intil he finally sat me down. My eyes fluttered open.  

"I'm speechless." I gasped. He grinned and leant his forehead against mine.  

"So am I. Bella, I love you so much and I don't ever want to lose you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you-" 

"It's not your fault Legolas. You did nothing wrong." He looked away as if thinking that he did everything wrong.  

"Hey, look at me." I turned his face towards mine and pushed my lips gently across his. "You did nothing wrong." 

"But I didn't protect you! I should've been there. I failed you, Bella."  

"Legolas, you have protected me. Many times you helped and saved me. This one time that I did something dumb, does not mean it's your fault." I smiled.  

"Ok. But I promise you this Bella, I am going to protect you better than I ever did. If anything ever happened to you I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He said. I grinned and nodded.  

"That's why I need to ask you something." He got down on one knee and opened a velvet box that held a ring with diamond and green leaves around it. "Wil you be Mrs Greenleaf?" He smiled. I couldn't help it. I started to cry. I nodded my head vigorously.  

"Yes! Yes of course I will!" He put the ring on my ring finger and pecked my lips. He picked me up and spun me again. I laughed and kept crying tears of joy.  

"I love you so much Legolas. I never thought I would love, but you broke me." 

"And I'm so lucky to be the one to break you." He smirked.  

"Come. We need to find Aragorn and Theoden." I smiled. "And by the way, I love the green leaves for Greenleaf." He laughed.  

"I thought you'd like it."  

I spotted Aragorn talking with Theoden. There were guards standing by nodding and listening.  

"Draw all our forces behind the wall. Bar the gate. And set a watch on the surround." Theoden said.  

"What of those who cannot fight, my lord? The women and children?" A soilder asked.  

"Get them in the cave." Theoden returned sternly.  

We walked the building listening to everyone's conversation.  

"All Isengard is empty. Ten thousand strong at least." I said.  

"Ten thousand?" Theoden asked in disbelief.  

"It is an army bread for a single purpose to destroy the world of men. They will be here by nightfall." I said.  

"Let them come!" 

"Theoden, you must call for aid." Aragorn said.  

"And who will come? Dwarves? Elves?" 

"Gondor will answer." 

"Where was Gondor when we needed them most? Gondor will not come Master Aragorn. I want every man and strong lad able to bear sword ready to fight! If we are going down, we will go down in remembrance." He said directly to Aragorn.  

"Are the women in caves?" Theoden asked.  

"We need more time for-" 

"There is no time! War is upon us!" 



Sorry I freaked out a little.  

So how is everyone? Good? Good. I haven't updated in awhile and for that I'm sorry. But I made it up for this super awesome kick-butt chapter!!!  

So comment, vote and sniff people's hair.  

Luff you all<3

P.S go read Sunshinetoday14's book The Wanted but Unwanted Adventure! It's a Hobbit fan fic! It's really great, so go people and check thee out!!

P.P.S Will Turner is the hottest man alive and he is my husband so back off. SERIOUSLY>:(

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