Q1. What is your favorite quote?
A. "I hate quotations. Tell me what you think." - Ralph Waldo Emmerson; I do like some quotes, but this is one is my favorite.
Q2. What's your goal here on Wattpad?
A. My goal on Wattpad. . .hmm. I do like the feedback from fellow writers. It's important in honing your craft, or boosting morale. If you really want to make this a career, you're going to have to make some sacrifices. Not just financially and not only lots and lots of time; but integrally. Now of course you can get by writing only what you want. But most of those writers that make it to the top know what people want to hear. The ones that blaze their own trail and make it there with them are great at timing. So you better have a sociologic understanding, or a lot of luck and intuitive timing. Don't fall out of rhythm.I like that Wattpad can connect you to people and cultures around the world. Everyone has an ego, but it's not as bloated and diluted as it can be on facebook. If I want to see some quality fiction, I'll simply read it and know that it's fictitious.
Q3. How long have you been writing?
A. I can't recall when I started writing. Around eight years old, I suppose. I was anything but consistent(no different now). Most of my stories were about dragons, ninjas with yoyos(with aspirations of becoming a baker), Flameretardantrainbowzebras, and monsters that would feast on your heart while you slept. Sometimes I wish I had those notebooks haha.
Poetry was my mistress by 17. By 19, I was in love.
Q4. Where do you get your inspiration?
A. Snapshots saved in my mind, of the environment. Also, the essence of the people I meet. There's a terrible guilt I feel if I were to write about someone directly. I feel I'd have to tell them, at least. I'm still writing it...but I have to tell them. So most of my poetry is the distillation of life, or a nurtured creative spark.A flash comes to my head and shimmies to my toes. My heart begins to race, then I know. Remember, everything has probably been done at least once before. So, you better do it even better, this time.Anything written down during a state of intense inflection, is true. I don't suggest self examination through your writing. It's best to just let it flow and let it go.Plagiarizing happens all the time. Have you read every book in existence? You'd be surprised how much work reflects your own ideas and writing. Sometimes this is done subconsciously; from fragments of pictures you don't even remember. That's how we build ourselves, isn't it? And remember plagiarism is the greatest flattery. I'd love for someone to become famous from my work. They can keep that. Just as long as the truth comes out after I die :P.With that being said; never steal someone's work. To intentionally sit there and be a parasitic bottom feeder sucking the very life from someone(the one you so long to have, apparently) is downright disgusting. If it happens by an accident well listen to your values. That determines your character.
Q5. Why do you write?
A. I write because I'm selfish. Art is selfish. It's what others take from it that will decide the weight it holds. If you have work written and never shared a peep of it with anyone, then all you have is you(on that note - I have a lot of work I don't share too). You start with this single perspective vision, that you polish to a shine. It looks nice sitting under your bed. But, if you brought it out to see the sun...you'll see magic. Your readers make magic.
Book and Author recommendations:
'Believe' (Bill Temple); 'Sound'(FadingGenes); 'The Soul's Voice' (AFairyTaleLife); 'My Soul Wants to Tell You' (Mushy98); 'The inexplicable lightness in being' (nonomnismorian); 'Wormwood' (tomvmcl); 'Fairly Very Fairy Tales' (Zoies2) 'Europa Mon Amour' (jeshi99); 'Beauty and the Beast' (MoonshineNoire); 'Maybe You Can Go Back' (ShannonKellie); 'zen: quotes and poems' (broswearcapes); 'Plausibly Poetic' (VidyaChagan) 'Anything by seasofme' :P (seasofme)
***'That little tab called New' (Wattpad's Discover Page)I'd like to go on and on, but I will restrain myself lol. Anyone mentioned here has great work all around. Anyone I'm following has good work...but that's just like my opinion man.I wanted to name so many more.
Bulletin: Bulletin: I'm working on a few collections of poetry at the moment. 'Wiggin it"(I think that's what it's called) is my own personal style of poems called 'wingers'. I'd like to start on a few short stories, but have none planned. Though I may start them tomorrow.
#5Qi-2 October 23rd, 2015
Non-Fiction5 Questions - 5 Answers - 5 Books - 5 Hi5s - 5 Special guests. Be inspired!