Chapter 17

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Leo waited for Giannas mother to arrive and watched the time. "Hey Leo!" Christi and Chloe came in and Leo smiled "Hey you two!" Kelly, Paige and Brooke entered the room "hi..." Kelly smiled "Hello!" "I'm Kelly Hyland and these are my daughters Paige and Brooke..." "nice to meet you! I'm Leo." "After Christi told us, we wanted to visit Gianna..." he nodded "she's still sleeping and I don't know how well she reacts on the chemo so when she wakes up everything is possible..." Kelly nodded and Leo checked the time "Christi can I leave? Gias mother is coming every second!" Christi nodded "sure!" Leo smiled "thank you!" He got out and Christi sat down on Giannas left side, Kelly on her right side. Gianna slowly opened her eyes, looking around, she took a deep breath and looked around "Leo?" Christi chuckled and smiled "he had to go to work... but you have some other visitors!" Gianna slowly sat up, she felt her head pounding and a strange feeling in her stomache. "Christi." She showed a small smile. "And Kelly!" Kelly said and Gianna turned her head smiling a little bit more "and Chlobird, Paigy and Brooke!" Gianna cheered and huged the three girls. "Are we allowed to take a pic with you and post it on social media?" Paige ask and Gianna nodded "if I'm also allowed to post it!" The girls laughed and Kelly took a picture with Giannas mobile. She gave the mobile to Gianna, who sent the pic to Chloe, Brooke and Paige. After that she posted the picture herself and wrote 'Three Angels in the morning!' She tagged the girls and looked at the comments she got. The fans where going wild! They wrote stuff like 'You're so sweet!' 'How sweet!' 'Yes YOUR three Angels!' She smiled about that and put her mobile onto her nightstand. She chatted with her visitors until her mother arrived "Hey Honey! How are you?" She closed the door "oh some guests!" She smiled "Kelly! Nice to see you again!" She hugged Kelly and her girls, after that she hugged Chloe and Christi. "That's nice of you to visit, but don't the girls have school?" "I don't have school!" Brooke grinned "and I have a day of!" Chloe smiled "My mom took me out so I could visit Gia!" Gia smiled "oh that's sweet!!" She hugged her "I really miss you guys!" Gianna got her breakfast and she eated a little bit but not that much... Around 12 to 1 pm Christi, Kelly and their girls left, Giannas Mom smiled "how do you feel?" Gianna smiled back at her "I'm fine... just bored." Her mom chuckled "I can look for a book to read!" Gianna nodded, she sighted "reading will be much better! It's boring watching the clock." Her mom got out of her room, Gianna layed her head back and sighted again. She closed her eyes, the feeling in her Stomache grew bigger... she took her mobile and got on Instagram, watching pics, and some comments. Suddenly she saw a comment which irritated her and she looked at the account. The account was an Dance Moms Fanpage and the comment was saying 'I'm so sorry that Leo is doing this to you! You don't deserve this!' She scrolled down in the posts of the acc but couldn't find a hint. More comments like that arrived her pic so she asked what they mean. They told her to look on Abbys page, so she did. There she saw it. Leo was kissing Melanie! And in the caption she wrote 'happy these two are connecting that well! #cutecouple'. Gianna teared up, she couldn't believe Leo had done this to her! She threw her mobile onto the floor and stood up. Now she knew what the strange feeling was, She threw up and layed back down. Her mom wasn't there so she called in a nurse, she came in "I'm sorry..." Gianna mumbled under tears. The nurse got to her "it's okay! That happens sometimes." Gianna just shook her head, the nurse cleaned up. "You need some rest!" She ordered and smiled softly, lunch will be here in 5 minutes, after that you should take a nap!" She left the room, leaving Gianna who was still crying... a few seconds later her mom entered the room again, in her hand a book. She was smiling brightly, until she saw Gianna. " Hey! Gia, what's wrong?" She layed the book onto a table and hugged her "I...I...threw....up...on...onto the...the floor." She sobbed. I want to talk with him first! That's not my Leo... he would never do this to me! There has to be an explanation... and it has to be a good one-

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