Chapter 20

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Leo was sitting at the front desk, he was thinking about what happened and sighted. Abby entered the building, Leo looked up and smiled weakly "Hey Abs" "Leo! What's wrong?" "Gianna broke up." "What?! Why??" "She. .. she said that I don't really love her, I would only be sorry for her and that I deserve someone that I love more than myself." Abby sat down "that's not Gianna! You have to talk with her!" He put his mobile down "I already tried calling her several times." Abby looked down "drive to her. She needs you!" Abby smiled "go!" He got up and Melanie entered the building "Hi Leo!" "Hi." "Wait, where are you going?" "To Gianna. I have to talk with her." "Why?" "She broke up because of a rare reason and I want to clear that up..." "I don't think it was a rare reason. I mean I don't know the reason but I don't think girls take a rare reason out of somewhere and break up with a guy like you!" He smiled "thanks! But I still want to talk to her. See you later!" He got into his car and drove off. He ringed her doorbell waiting for her to open the door. She opened and looked at him, her eyes where red. "Can we talk?" He asked her. "No." "Gia, please I..." "no." He pushed her inside and closed the door, he saw Jennine and Rachael on her couch looking at them "hi Jennine, Rachael!" They waved shortly and Leo pulled Gianna into the kitchen. "We have to talk!" "I don't want to talk!" "Gianna, where did you came up with the idea I wouldn't love you? Why do you think I only feel sorry for you?!" "Because you are! We became a couple after I had the diagnose." "What does that mean? I was here before you got the diagnose! And I cared for you, because I love you!" "No! You..." "I love you Gia! More than myself. More than anything else! I love you every day and I can stand being separated from you. You're the most beautiful person I know, from inside and outside and I don't care if you have Cancer or not, because I'll stay at your side no matter what will come. What on earth made you think I don't love you?" "Melanie said you would only be sorry for me, because we became a couple after my Cancer diagnose. She said no one wants a girlfriend like me." "What do you mean like you?" "She said that I would die and that I'm... I would..." "what?" "She called me a fat and ugly pumpkin." He looked at her "I'm gonna kill her!" Gianna looked at him, he was angry but as soon as he looked at her face he softened. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her head "I love you Gianna Martello!" She hugged him back cuddling her face into his chest. They stood like that for a few minutes which seemed like hours " we told you Melanie was wrong!" Rachael smirked looking at them, beside her a grinning Jennine. Gianna looked up and smiled. "I have to go. See you this evening?" Gianna nodded and Leo kissed her softly. Then he got out. Jennine and Rachael hugged her and giggled "thanks for being there for me." They smiled.
Leo got to the Studio and came into Studio A where they were rehearsing. Abby smiled "Leo! How was it?" Leo didn't said a word, instead he turned to Melanie "Listen to me. What on earth gave you the allowance to talk to Gianna like that!? And why do you tell her that I wouldn't love her! That I would only be sorry for her because of the cancer!" "I didn't! How dare she!" "Oh you did! Gianna isn't a person who lies." " I only told her that her illness would complicate your relationship! I also said that I think you two can go through that! How should I know she would think I want to tell her to break up with you!" "You told her I would only be sorry for her and that no one would like her as a girlfriend because she would be a fat, ugly Pumpkin!" Melanie smirked "I knew she wasn't lying." Leo shook his head. "Come on Leo! She'll die and why are you with her when you could have me!" "Because she's beautiful and a true hearted person! You? You are so self-obssessed. Thinking you would be the most attractive person on earth but let me destroy your little perfect bubble. You're not!" "Wow. Wow. Wow! Easy guys." Abby stepped between them. "She.." "Leo!?" He took a step back "girls we do a 30 minutes break. Go to your moms. Leo, go with them. Melanie, we'll talk!"

Above you can see a pic of Melanie! Do you want a picture of Leo?
Love GiannaMartello1006

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