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Rachel's P.O.V

I woke up to see Tay watching me sleep. Her eyes were locked onto me and she had her arms wrapped around me and her legs were tangled in mine. I yawned and asked her what time it was. She checked her phone and said "It's 9:43pm". I sighed and said "How long have you been up? and we haven't eaten yet do you want to get dominos?" She smiled and looked down then kissed me. She pulled away and said "I woke up about half an hour ago and I ordered dominos for us. It's coming at 10:10. You look so fucking cute asleep even cuter than when awake and I didn't think that that was possible" She kissed me again and slipped in her tongue this time. She pulled away for a moment and threw her top off and then rolled off mine. We just made out and held each other until there was a knock on my door. "Shit the pizza!" We shouted. I jumped up threw on a hoodie and ran down the stairs.

I opened the door and. Fuck. It was my friend Jess. I forgot she worked at dominos. She was all excited to see me and said that this was her last round so she could stay and chat. She let herself in so I couldn't say no. All I could think about was how I was naked under this hoodie and Tay was upstairs naked in my bed. Probably not in my bed anymore. She must've heard the door close-because she shouted through the house "Baby, what are you doing get your sexy ass up these stairs and bring the pizzas!" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Jess just stared at me and looked at the pizzas by the front door and said "You ordered two pizzas. Who's upstairs? Are you with a...girl?" I didn't say anything I just opened my eyes wide and shocked. She put her hand on my shoulder and was about to say something but Tay shouted down again "Babyyy what are you doing do I need to come down and get you?" I panicked and shouted back "No no it's okay I'll be up soon" Fuck. Fuck. I started to say "I um" I got cut off by Jess saying "Rach it's okay I'm not going to judge you please just be honest with me, I thought you were straight?" I sighed and then brought myself to say "So did I. We both thought we were straight. But we got to talking and it just happened. Please, please don't tell anyone. I don't want anyone to know not yet and I don't think she does either." She just hugged me then said "There's nothing to be ashamed of and I'm glad you are happy but who are you talking about? Who is up there?" I looked at the ceiling and thought for a moment. I can't tell her. It's too risky. "I'm sorry but I don't think I can tell you. I don't think she'll want anyone to know." Jess nodded her head and said that it was okay and she understands. I heard Taylor moving in my room. Myself and Jess both looked up at the ceiling and then I realized she was coming down the stairs. I looked down and said panicked "Fuck!" I jumped up and ran to the bottom of the stairs and coming down was a half naked Tay and to top that off Jess had started walking down the corridor. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK. I ran up the stairs and threw my hoodie off and covered her up but forgetting that I was naked on my top half. Jess was now at the bottom of the stairs and Tay realized what was happening and that my friend was right there. Fuck. I covered her up and hid her face with mine and pressed my boobs against the hoodie so Jess couldn't see. I shouted behind to Jess "Stay there I'll be right back." I quickly picked her up and ran up the stairs then continued to my room. I put Tay down and then put on a top so I could go back down but as I went to walk out the door I saw Jess coming to my room. She obviously didn't listen to me when I said stay there. I hid tay behind the door quickly kissed her and told her I loved her then ran out the room to stop Jess. I just grabbed Jess' legs and ran down the stairs. I grabbed her pizza satchel and told her to go and she did.

I just fell on the floor and sighed. I then went into the kitchen picked up the pizzas and went upstairs. I walked into the room to see Tay lying butt naked on my bed. I dropped the pizzas threw off all my clothes and jumped onto her. Our mouths met instantly like magnets. She pulled away and groaned "I missed you and your lips so much" then threw her energy all over my body. She started to move away from my mouth and go down my body all the way to my belly button. She then took her lips off my skin for a moment looked me in the eyes and spread my legs. She did it like she did it last night but even better. I couldn't hold it any more. I just moaned the loudest I've ever moaned and then I pulled her head off my fanny and slid her body next to me. I put her onto her back and then straddled her. I started kissing her lips then I slowly started moving down her body and kept going until I looke her in the eyes mouthed 'I love you' and spread her legs. I didn't really know how to do it so I just tried. I copy what she had done to me so I just put in my tongue and got to work. Whilst I was doing so I massaged her butt cheeks. I think she really enjoyed it because she was moaning even louder than I was and started shouting "Ohmygod Rachell!!!" then screaming "I LOVE YOU!!!" She grabbed the head of the bed and her torso started rising off the bed. Her toes were so curled I thought they were gonna snap off. She never pulled me away so I just kept on going and going until she screamed. So I pulled out, crawled up to her then rolled onto my side with one leg over her body. I wanted her to calm down before anything else happened. I stroked her head and put her hair behind her ears and then I just kissed her forehead and said "I think that's enough excitement for one day don't you? How about we eat our pizza?" I picked up our pizzas and got back into bed we put on a film-10 things I hate about you. We got under the duvet (still naked) and snuggled up next to each other. We put our pizzas in front of us and then put all the sweets and drinks we bought in the day scattered around the bed. God I love this girl.

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