The End

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Rachel's P.O.V

I didn't mean for Taylor to see me. I thought I would just leave after a while. I woke up in a panic. Taylor's head was on my chest and had one arm draped on my stomach so I couldn't move. I just froze and started to sob. The tears came streaming down my face. I looked down to see her still calmly sleeping. I picked up one hand and slapped myself to stop crying- which worked. I felt my fave throbbing but I didn't care. I just closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

I woke up around 1/2 an hour later. I was bleeding again. It was coming from my forehead. I placed my hand on the cut and realized how deep it was. I grabbed Taylor phone and went onto snapchat. I took a video of my head with the front flash on so I could get a look. It was so fucking deep. I needed to get a towel. I went to move but I couldn't. The only part of my body I could move was my hand. Fuck. I threw the phone down and accidentally added the video to her story but ignored it. If I can't move then I must be-no. Fuck. I can't.

I burst into sobs and yelled "TAYLOR!!" She jumped out her skin with surprise. She looked up and saw nothing but darkness. She asked panicked "what's wrong??? Why are you shouting?" All I could manage was "TUrn on the liGht" I started to feel pain all over my body. Taylor ran to the lights and turned them on. She saw my head and screamed "RACHEL!!!" She ran over to me and asked "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?! COME ON GET UP." She tried to pull me up but I stopped her. I stared into her eyes and croaked through my sobs "'s too late. I can't move. This is it. Please just kiss me." Tay burst into sobs but ignored it and crashed her lips into mine. We made out and kept going for a while until I felt a massive kick of pain in my heart. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. I spoke as loudly as I could bar it sounded like a whisper "I'm so sorry. I love you. You're always in my heart. I will always love you. And I will always be with you." I gave her a quick kiss again then pulling away with "I'll love you till the end of time." I used all the strength I had and placed her hand in mine. I then intertwined our fingers and put our hands on my heart. I started to sing- more like croak- "I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind. That I put down in words. How wonderful life is..."

Taylor's P.O.V

"Now you're in the world" I continued. I burst into sobs and started screaming out her name "RACHEL!!!! RACCCHELLL!!" I grabbed my phone and called my mum. The phone rang out so I called the home phone. No Answer. I called mums phone again. Nothing. I kept on calling the home. Again and Again and Again. I decided to leave a message because the home phone plays messages aloud. I rang the home phone and when it went to answer machine I started to yell "MUM?! MUM?!!! HELP ME!! MUM PLEASE!!?? MUMM PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!! MUM?!!! RACHELLL!!! COME BACK!!?? I LOVE YOU?!??!" I paused for ages and then croaked "Mum? please wake up. You're all I've got left. Please come to my house. I need you. I d- I don't know what to do." I didn't hang up I just left the phone on speaker next to me. I pulled Rach into my arms and cradled her. I kissed her cheek and rocked her back and forth.

After about 10 minuets I heard someone unlock the door but I ignored it. They came sprinting up the stairs. They burst into the room. And fell to the floor as soon as they saw me with my princess in my arms. It was my mum. She burst into tears. Mum grabbed my phone hung up the call and went to ring the police. But I stopped her. I took the phone out her hand and said "please mum just let me be with her for a while longer, my head is killing me please can you get me some water and pain killers." Mum agreed then got up to fetch some for me. I felt awful bc my mum didn't know what I was planning. I kissed Rachel's cold lips then whispered through my weeping "It's okay baby. We will be together again soon." As soon as I finished what I was saying Mum walked back in. She brought a whole pack of 400mg ibuprofen and a glass of water. I calmly put it down on the side stood up and said as I hugged my mum "Thank you so much mum. For everything. I love you so much. I'm so sorry." My mum rubbed my back whilst saying "Its okay darling. I love you so much too."

I pulled out of the hug and emptied the whole packet of pills into my hand quietly so mum wouldn't realize. I put half in my mouth and washed down with water which I'll admit was a struggle. I then put the other half in my mouth and gulped them down. I told my mum she could call the police now so she walked out of the room to leave us alone and make the call. I laid Rach down and snuggled up to her. I intertwined our fingers and put our hands on her heart. I kissed her for one last time before closing my eyes. I dozed off into a sleep knowing that I would never wake up. And then emerged into darkness.

There's no point in living with out you
Life isn't worth anything with out you
You give me purpose
You make my life worth living
You are all I live for
So now that you're gone
You are all I will die for
So this is the end of our story
I know it wasn't long
We're sorry for the lack of detail
but it's only for the best
We wish you all well
and hope you are okay
I hope you learnt some things
And don't end up the same way

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