The Hospital Part 1

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Scarlett's P.O.V

We were in the middle of making out when Rach pulled away. I opened my eyes to find her frozen. She was dead still, her hands were all tensed and arms were stiff. I said to her "Babe? Is everything okay?" She didn't react at all she just had the same expression on her face-blank as a sheet of paper. I kissed her. I knew if she kissed me back she was okay.

I kissed her but she didn't kiss me back or react at all. I knew then she wasn't okay. I shook her shoulders but she didn't flinch. I shouted "Fuck no baby stay with me stay with me." I stood then picked her up, I lay her on the sofa in the kitchen and ran to find a top and shorts for us. All I found was a pair of pants, a hoodie, some shorts and a top. I threw on the pants and the top then I put the shorts on her as well as the hoodie. There was so much blood. I quickly grabbed the keys for the house and the car then picked her up again. I threw her over my shoulder and put her in the car. I drove her to the hospital as fast as I could. Once I got there I quickly got out the car and ran to her side of the car. I pulled her out, still frozen, and threw her onto my shoulder. I ran into the hospital and yelled "Help! Somebody help us! She needs help!" Everyone ignored me so I screamed as loud as I could "Someone fucking help!!" One lady came over and asked me what had happened. I stared into Rachel's eyes and said past my tears "I don't know, one minuet we were laying on the grass- then she just froze and when I got her inside I noticed all the blood and I don't understand where it's coming from. Please please please just do something, help her." The lady took her out my arms and called over the doctors. She put her on a bed and all the people wheeled her off. I ran after the bed and held her hand until they made me go away.
I shouted as she went off in the distance "I love you Rachel, always have always will"

A nurse lead me to the waiting room then got me a glass of water. She sat next to me and said "Now it's going to be okay she's in safe hands now and they're going to do everything they can to help her. Now I have to ask, how are you related to her? are you a friend? are you her sister?" I looked at my hands for a moment then said "She's-We're-I'm her girlfriend." The woman looked shocked then said "Oh okay I'm awfully sorry, it must be awful to see the one you love like that. Now it's freezing, and you're only in pants and a wet hoodie, I mean you need some more clothes I think! Is there anyone you can call to bring you some? I don't think your in the state to drive plus you're bare foot." She gave me a nice smile then I said "I was in a bit of a rush and I could call my mum I guess." The woman instantly replied with "Non-sense, I'll call your mother for you, can you give me her name and number?" I showed her my mums contact and the nurse called her. She came back over and said "Right your mum is coming now and will be here as soon as she can but while we are waiting let me get you out that jumper and I can get you a blanket how does that sound?" I thanked her and started to take off my hoodie when I remembered I was naked. I quickly pulled my jumper back down and said "Actually I think I'll keep it on thank you though." She kept on insisting I took it off or if get a chill until I said firmly "I can't take this off because I'm not wearing anything underneath, I'm completely naked under here." The nurse laughed and said "Oh gosh I should've guessed um well you can't stay in that so you can get changed in the toilets and just cover up with the blanket okay?" I agreed and went off.

When I came back the Nurse was gone so I just put my wet clothes on my lap and sat down. I checked my phone and replied to my messages when the nurse sat next to me again. She put her hand on my leg and said "Better?" I replied better and she then said "I'll get you some tea aye? and your mum should be here soon." my mum would be here soon so I only had to cope until then. I put my head back and closed my eyes. I heard the nurse stand up then walk away. Seconds later someone else sat next to me. They put their hand on my leg then said "I'm so sorry darling, I got stuck in traffic." I opened my eyes and yep it was mum. I just burst into tears and threw myself onto her. Mum rubbed my back and comforted me for a while until I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in Rach's joggers and her top that she always gives to me. Mum was standing across the room talking to a doctor. They realized I was awake so they came over. The doctor knelt down and said "How are you doing Ma'am?" I replied okay and then wiped my eyes. He opened a file and started talking "Okay good so your partner is going to be okay, she's suffered from a minor blood loss and has what looks like to be a broken foot but we need to do X-rays. Also I can't trace any sign of the pills she's been perscribed in her system, I think she may have stopped taking them which has affected her mental state. She seems to be back at square one."

I took a moment to take this in. What pills? She never told me about any pills. I knew I wasn't going to get any information from Rach so I asked the doctor "What pills? How long for do you think?" The doctor sighed and looked at mum. Mum nodded and he continued with "Anti-Depressants, she was prescribed them 4 weeks ago and it looks like she stopped three weeks ago as there has only been a fracture of a change looking at her records." I sat down and started sobbing. My mum thanked the doctor and sat next to me.

She put her hand on my back then said "I'm so sorry darling she's going to be okay she should come round soon and you can be with her." I said through my sobs "3weeks mum, 3 weeks. I had no idea. 3 weeks." my mum didn't understand she kept on saying huh so I tried to not shout so I said as calmly as I could "3 weeks ago I went to the country club with Rachel 3 weeks ago I slept over at Rachel's house 3 weeks ago I knew what love mean 3 weeks ago I felt worth something 3 weeks ago I moved in with Rachel. It's because of me mum. She stopped because of me. I don't understand why. I thought we were happy. I thought she was happy. I thought I thought I thought she was okay." My mum hugged me and rubbed my back.

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