The Hospital Part 2

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Taylor's P.O.V

We had been sitting in the waiting room all night and still heard nothing. It was 9 am and I had still heard nothing. I didn't know what was happening and she should be out by now. I stood up and walked up to the desk. I demanded to see Rachel I gave a massive speech about why I needed to see her and they just said "Okay the nurse will take you through." I asked mum to stay there until I came back to get her. I went ahead and walked in the room. She was lying eyes wide open staring at the ceiling. I sat down next to her and held her hand. I kissed her hand softly and fought back my tears. She had big bandage around her waist and her foot was in a temporary cast. She had been put on a drip and had blood going into her arms from a machine. All I could think was 3 weeks. 3 weeks. 3 weeks. I rubbed her hand and said "Baby? How you feeling?" She didn't reply she just squeezed my hand and slowly tilted her head until her eyes locked with mine. She gave me a small smile then croaked "Well? Aren't you gonna give your girlfriend a kiss?" She licked then puckered her lips. I laughed then leant down to kiss her. As soon as our lips met a tear rolled down my cheek onto hers. I quickly pulled away and wiped it off her face. I looked down and said "I'm sorry I didn't mean to...its just...3 weeks" She slowly pulled my head up and said "What do you mean 3 weeks?" I looked her in the eyes then said "3 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago we slept together for the first time. 3 weeks ago the one person I wanted more than anything in the world kissed me. 3 weeks ago we saw each other naked for the first time.And 3 weeks ago...3 weeks stopped taking your anti-depressants." Rachel's face dropped and she just froze. She stuttered a few letters but I couldn't make them out. A tear rolled down her face then she said quietly "You wanna know why? I stopped because I was happy. I didn't need them anymore. I only had a few hiccups. I was okay. I had you. I didn't need pills anymore." she started crying even more now then continued with "I didn't need any pills because I had you. You stop the pain. I don't need pills to do that anymore." I wiped her eyes and kissed her forehead. I held her hand again and said "I love you so much. I'm never going to leave you okay? but sweetheart you shouldn't have stopped. The doctor says that your back to square one. You're going to have to start taking them again but more often. And I'm going to make sure you keep taking them until the Doctors say you don't need them anymore. I'm never going to leave you and I'll stand by my word. Until the day I die." For every tear that fell I wiped away. I kissed her lips softly then ran my fingers through her hair.

I left to go get mum and when we came back Rach was sobbing. Mum came over and hugged Rachel. She said to her "Shhh it's okay everything's fine you're safe you're going to be okay." Rach sniffled then said "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Mum looked at me then back at Rachel then said "You deserve to be treated nicely and plus I like you. You're polite, you're kind, you're sweet and you always make me laugh. Not only that you make my daughter happy. Happier than I've ever seen her actually. And she's been waiting here all night. As have I. I tried to take her home but she wouldn't move an inch. She's had around two hours sleep. My little girl loves you. So I love you too. And I'll treat you like my own." Rachel stared at me for a while. I stared back into her eyes. Rachel looked at her arm and despite being weak, she used all of her strength and effort to lift up her arm. She opened her hand then said in almost a whisper "I'm so sorry. Please, come to me." I slowly walked towards her. I put her hand in mine and then put her hand back down on the bed. Rach just explained everything to me n mum until the doctor came in and took some tests.

He said that she could go home after she had eaten something gone to the toilet and had a drink. She had a glass of water then some ice cream. All she had left to do was go to the toilet. She pulled the sheets off then tried to sit up but failed. I stood up and carefully put my hand under her legs and spun them round. She wheezed with pain but told me to continue and thanked me. She had to take her drip with her but once I had got her up she nearly fell back down but I caught her in my arms. Rach said embarrassed "I'm sorry I thought I had it." I kissed her forehead then said "It's okay now let me help you okay? and don't resist." she let out a sigh then stood up but instantly fell onto me. I put my arm around her then lead her to the bathroom I stopped outside the door. Rach looked down at the floor and said with shame "Can you help me?" I pulled her head up and kissed her cheek as I said "Of course I'm going to look after you." I opened the door and lead her in. I pulled up her nightie and sat her on the toilet. She wheezed again but stopped after I kissed her. I walked back to the door and locked it. I let her go to the loo whilst I just stood in front of the mirror. Rach wiped up and then said "Hey Tay can you come here a sec?" I came over thinking she wanted help getting up. I asked her what she wanted then knelt down next to her. She stared into my eyes then said "Come closer" I shuffled closer and I was almost on top of her. She put her hand on my face then pulled my lips to hers. She started making out with me then went to put her hand on my boob but I pulled away and said "Baby that can wait until we get home okay, and the sooner we get you back into the room the sooner we can go home." Rach threw her lips onto mine then quickly pulled away and said "We better get me back in there then!" She squeezed my boobs then put an arm around me so she could stand up. I lead her back to the bed where the doctors were waiting. I sat her on the bed then went to pull her legs round but the doctors stopped me. They signed a paper then cut off the drip then took it out of her. They pulled all the tubes out of her then said "Right you need to start taking these antibiotics every 4 hours and then you need to start taking your antidepressants again twice a day with food and I need your partner to make sure you take both these medicines. Can you do that?" We agreed to everything then the doctors checked us out. We said our goodbyes and mum said she would make us dinner and bring it round later.

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