Cuddles are all I want

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Rachel's P.O.V

I love her. More than life. I need her in my arms. I stood up then put my hand out for her to grab. She just looked at my hand for a moment then softly put her hand in mine. I pulled her up then said "Dance with me." She looked at me past her tears confused then croaked "But there's no music" I just pulled her into my arms and starting swaying her left and right. I ignored the fact that we were naked and just kept her in my arms I could feel her tears falling down my back. I kept dancing and started whispering in her ear "Baby it's okay, shhhh, it's okay, I'm here, you're safe, Lets just cuddle." She pulled out of the hug and got into bed. She patted the bed next to were she lay signaling for me to get in. I climbed in next to her then before I could do or say anything she had wrapped her arms around me and kissed my collarbones. After that she just put her arms around me as tight as she could and she rested her head on my chest. I kissed her head then put my arms around her. She kissed my shoulder and said "All I want is cuddles" I agreed and we just held each other. I kept hold of her and ran my fingers through her hair. She pulled her head up and kissed my chin. I think she was aiming for my lips but missed. She laughed then said "Oops" I pinched her bum and said "Oops" with a smirk. She laughed then said "You cheeky barstard" I just winked at her then pulled her into my lap. I held her in my arms for a while until I thought of something.

I stood up picking her up as I did so and said "Let's go on an adventure" She jumped out of my arms and said "Babe we are naked don't you think we need some clothes first." I just laughed and said "No of course not you don't know what adventure I have in-store for us yet" I grabbed her hand and ran down the stairs dragging her with me. I opened the back door and ran into the garden. I looked back and Tay was standing at the door. She just watched me but didn't want to come out. I knew how I could get her out side. I ran up to the decking and made myself fall into it. I rolled back onto the grass and started wimping. It hurt a lot more than I thought it would and I started crying. Tay noticed my body glitching and ran outside to me. She fell to her knees next to me and asked if I was okay. She started panicking and started saying quickly "Say something baby, baby please, please, please, please!" I grabbed her waist and pulled her onto me. She looked really confused and worried. I rolled her onto her back and straddled her. She went to say something but I interrupted her with my lips. She quickly pulled away and said "You're bleeding!" I looked down and said "Babe it's fine it's only a little cut I'll survive" I went to make out with her but she put her fingers on my lips to stop me. She said with worry "Listen to me. You could bleed out, your wound may get infected. Let me take care of you, please" I pushed her fingers away and kissed her. She pulled away and was about say something but I interrupted her with "You want to take care of me? then let me do this, I want to kiss and cuddle under the light of a thousand stars, please this is all I want. All I want is cuddles." She just stared into my eyes for a while taking in what I'd said. She put her hand on my hip putting pressure on my cut. After that she kissed my cheek ever so softly. She then started kissing me. She laid on me but kept making out with me. We made out under the stars and then lay on the damp grass. Cuddled up. I love Taylor more than anything. I suddenly pulled away but that's the last thing I can remember.

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