A Lonely Night

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Rachel's P.O.V

Taylor is pissed. She hates me. I'm pretty sure she could hear me sobbing but she just ignored me. She's fast asleep now. She looks so peaceful. And I've just lost the love of my life.

I Started panicking. I got out of bed and hobbled to the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the bath and tried to catch my breath back. I stood up after a few minuets and just stared at myself in the mirror. I was such a fuck up. I don't deserve her. I'm not worth her time. I stared at myself in the mirror. I clenched my fist then raised it. I closed my eyes took a deep breath and punched myself across the face. I kept on punching until I fell to the floor. Blood was pouring down my face. I pulled myself back up then looked at my reflection. A tear fell down my face. I didn't care that there was blood everywhere or that I've probably broken my nose. I just walked out of the bathroom and got into bed ignoring the fact that I was bleeding. I knew this wasn't the best of ideas. But I didn't know what else to do.

I had been trying to sleep for a while now maybe an hour but couldn't. The bleeding had almost stopped but not completely. I looked over at Tay. She looked so beautiful and peaceful. I stood up to get a better look at her beautiful face. I just stood n watched her sleep for ages. I started to feel weak so I sat on the floor but never took my eyes. I sat there and just admired her beauty. I started to drift off and fell asleep sitting up with my head in my hands.

I dreamt about her. She was still mine. And we were still loved up. And she kissed me. And cuddled me.

"Rachel?!" I heard a loud voice. "Rachel!!!" this time I was being shaken too. I replied as I slowly opened my eyes "What? What's going on?" Taylor was crouched down both hands on my shoulders. She looked so worried staring into my eyes. She said as a tear fell down her face "What happened to your face?!" I looked at her confused forgetting what I did last night. A few more tears fell down her cheeks as she said "The blood. It's everywhere. The bruises. Where have they come from?" I took her hands off my shoulders and wiped her tears away. I pulled her into a hug and tried not to sob only letting a few tears fall. I pulled out of the hug and carefully kissed her lips. She gave me a faint smile but her smile dropped soon enough. She opened her mouth "Rachel. Who did this to you?" I looked her in the eyes then said "That doesn't matter let's just forget about this all."

I took her hands in mine and kissed her forehead. She sighed then said "Please baby just te-" She suddenly stopped and stared at my hands. My knuckles were all bruised and cut open. I completely forgot. I pulled my hands away quickly and looked at the wall. More and more tears started to trickle down her face. She said as her voice cracked "Did you do this to yourself?" I looked into her eyes but I couldn't say it. All I could manage was "I'm sorry." She burst into tears. She said through her sobs "It's me isn't it. That's why you did this. You thought I hated you. Didn't you? You thought I didn't love you anymore right? When that's not truu, the reason I moved away is because I was upset. Because I had been waiting up all fucking night in that hospital. And your stalker got to you before me. I don't care that she kissed you because I know that you love me. I care that I wasn't the first person to see you after that night. I'm so fucking sorry. You should've woken me up. Or just have gotten into bed with me."

She looked down at where I was then said "Why were you asleep on the floor. Sitting up." I knew she knew the answer but she wanted me to say it. I opened my mouth and said past my sobs "I'm sorry. I thought you were gonna leave me. I didn't mean to fall asleep here. I was watching you sleep. I didn't think I'd see you again after last night. I wanted to make the most of it." Taylor grabbed my face and kissed my lips softly but firm. She pulled away and said "Baby I'd never let you go that easily. I love you. And I'm never gonna leave you." She placed a soft kiss on my lips then put her arms under me. She picked me up and put me on the sofa bed as the other bed was covered in blood. She got in next to me and pulled the covers over us. We just cuddled and fell asleep in each others arms. Without a care in the world.

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